Date:                January 17, 2006

To:                   College of Arts and Sciences Faculty

From:              Robbin Crabtree

                        Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty

Subject:           Arts and Sciences Faculty Meeting


Dear Colleagues,


The next scheduled College of Arts and Sciences Faculty meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 25, 4:00-5:30, in the Alumni House.


Our agenda is as follows:


1.              Election to fill one-semester opening on the Academic Council


2.              Review and approval of the minutes of our meeting of November 30, 2005 (attached)


3.              Consideration of a proposed masterŐs program in Communication for corporate cohorts (see attached proposal narrative and ASCC minutes; full proposal with all appendices available for review in CNS 100, DMH 130, DMH 227, and on reserve at the DiMenna Nyselius Library)


4.              Brief Update on College Strategic Planning


5.              Preview of spring CAS agenda


Please mark your calendars and remind your colleagues to come to this meeting. We look forward to seeing you on January 25. Refreshments (coffee, sodas, water, cookies) will be available throughout the meeting.


Also, mark you calendars for the remaining spring CAS faculty meetings: Thursday, Feb 23; Wednesday, Mar 29; and Thursday, April 27. All will be in Alumni House at 4 pm.


All best for a great spring semester!


Robbin Crabtree

Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty

(DMH 227, ext. 3263,