CAS Meeting, March 20, 2007

4-5:30, Alumni House


1. Approval of the minutes of 11/28/06. (Available on )

2. Remarks by Dean Snyder

3. CAS Governance Document change (DeWitt)

This motion concerns paragraph II.B.3, in Appendix A of the CAS Governance Document. This paragraph specifies one of the duties of the Dean of the CAS is to serve on the Rank and Tenure Committee. The paragraph reads as follows:

II.B.3: Serve on the Rank and Tenure Committee when promotion and/or tenure of faculty members within the College are under consideration.

Motion: To delete paragraph II.B.3 of Appendix A of the CAS Governance Document, and renumber the remaining paragraphs accordingly.

Rationale: This is an outdated paragraph that is no longer consistent with the Faculty Handbook.

Note: This motion requires a two-thirds vote of those present and voting.

4. Presentation on Service Learning (Crabtree)

5. Adjourn to a continuation of the reception begun before the meeting.