CAS Meeting, September 18, 2008


4-5:30, Alumni House





  1. Approval of the minutes of April 22, 2008
  2. Election of Chair and Secretary of the College for 2008-2009
  3. Introduction of new faculty
  4. Proposal for two changes to the CAS Governance Document (Appendix One)
  5. Remarks from the Dean on the priorities for the College
  6. Adjournment to reception and general revelry



APPENDIX ONE: Two Proposed Changes to the CAS Governance Document


First Motion:       That the existing language in the CAS governance document: Arts and Sciences Planning Committee


Five members of the Arts and Sciences faculty, including at least one each from the Humanities, the Natural Sciences/Mathematics, and the Social Sciences. In addition, the Dean of the college shall serve ex officio.


Be replaced by:


Six members of the College faculty, including the Chair and Secretary ex officio, and at least one each from the Humanities, the Natural Sciences/Mathematics, and the Behavioral and Social Sciences. At least one member should have substantial involvement in interdisciplinary programs (for example, has served, within the past three years, as a director of an interdisciplinary program or on one or more interdisciplinary program steering committees). No more than two members shall be from any one department; ideally the membership should be drawn from 6 different departments. In addition, the Dean  of the College shall serve ex officio. All 7 members shall have full voting privileges.




It seems best to have as broad a representation on the Planning Committee as possible, hence the requirement that the members be from different departments. Since the College Chair and Secretary are closely involved in and informed about issues involving the College, it is sensible to have them as members. In addition, with the increasing prominence of  interdisciplinary programs, it is desirable to have a member acquainted with such programs.





Second Motion:     That the existing language in the CAS governance document:  Health Sciences Committee

The Health Sciences Committee is a standing committee appointed by the Dean.


Be replaced by: Health Professions Committee

The Health Professions Committee is a standing committee appointed by the Dean.




The majority of college and university advisors for students seeking matriculation into graduate schools for the various health professions are referred to as "Health Professions Advisors."  Fairfield University's advisor position has the title of Health Professions Advisor as well.  In an effort to maintain continuity between advisor title and committee title the name change to "Health Professions Committee" is proposed here.  This change would also serve to dispel the students' (and others) misconception that only professors from the sciences serve on the committee and have input toward assessing a student's candidacy for professional programs.