Time: Thursday, September 16, 4-5:30
 Place:  Oak Room
The first meeting of the College of Arts and Sciences faculty will be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, from 4:00 to 5:30, in the Oak Room of the Barone Campus Center.

 The agenda is as follows:
  1. Approval of minutes from our meeting of April 28, 2010
  2. Brief introduction of new faculty
  3. Intoduction of Bellarmine Museum Director (Katherine Schwab)
  4. Election of Chair of the College Faculty  (Two-year term) *
  5. Elections  for College of Arts and Sciences Distnguished Teaching Award Committee (two to be elected) *
  6. Dean’s welcome and highlights
  7. Informational presentation by CAS subcommittee on merit divisional performance review procedures (Dennis Keenan)
  8. Refreshments and celebration of the new academic year.
      * We need nominations for the A&S College Chair  (2 year term).    We also need nominations for the Teaching award committee (two-year term to replace Min Xu;  three-year term to replace Hugh Humphrey).    All nominations should be sent to both Bill Abbott and Glenn Sauer. 

       The second CAS Faculty meeting will be held on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th, from 4:00 to 5:30, in the Presentation Room of the Kelley Center.  It is anticipated that our vote on the merit divisional performance review procedures will take place at this meeting.
     The third CAS Faculty meeting will be held on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8th, from 4:00 to 5:30, in Alumni House.