The College of Arts and Sciences Faculty will meet on October 14, at 3:30, in Alumni House.   Please see the agenda, below.


          At this meeting we will be electing colleagues to the following positions:


1)  The CAS Secretary (two-year term)

       The Secretary takes College meeting minutes, sends out agendas, and is a member of the CAS Planning Committee.


2) The CAS Planning Committee

            This committee works with and advises the Dean on matters of importance to the entire College.   Recent work has included revision of the CAS Governance Document and consideration of Departmental and Program review. 

           TWO positions are open for this committee, one for a two-year term, and one for a one-year term.   

          - If the newly-elected Secretary is not from the Social and Behavioral Sciences, then at least one of these two positions must be filled by someone from the Social and Behavioral Sciences.

         - At least one member elected should have substantial involvement in interdisciplinary programs.


3)  CAS Teaching Award Committee

            This Committee selects the annual recipient of the CAS Teaching Award, which is presented at the end of the spring semester.

            ONE position open for this Committee:

       -  Social Sciences (3-year term)


NOMINATIONS NEEDED!  Those interested in these positions, please contact Bill Abbott ( or Sally O'Driscoll (



AGENDA FOR CAS faculty meeting, October 14, 2011 Alumni House, 3:30-5 pm.


(1) Election of the CAS Secretary 2011-2013

(2) Approval of minutes of 4/26/11 CAS meeting (Draft minutes will be posted next week at

(3) CAS Planning Committee elections (see above)

(4) Proposed changes in election dates for future CAS Planning committee elections

(5) Election of new member for CAS Teaching Award Committee

(6) Announcement of elections for Divisional Merit Committees (to take place at Nov. 11 CAS meeting)

(7) Brief presentation by Nels Pearson on Cities project

(8) Brief remarks by Dean.