CAS Faculty Meeting

13 December 2013
Alumni House

A.    Approval of October 2013 Minutes

B.    Elections for merit committee representatives (at-large)

1.  At-large, Humanities (select two: Rajan, McKissick, Campos, LoMonaco)
2.  At-large, Math & Natural Sciences (select one: Harriot, Miecznikowski,Demers)
3.  Behavioral & Social Sciences (select one: Wills, Boryczka, Henkel, Crawford)

C.    Announcements & Reports

1.  Report On CAS Student Advising, Assoc. Dean Simon
2.  Report on “water” theme 2014-16, Prof. Yarrington

D.    College Discussion: Planning for a strategic vision for the College

E.    Dean’s remarks
CAS Faculty Meetings 
Friday, January 31, 3:30-5:00 (Alumni House)
Friday, March 7, 3:30-5:00 (Alumni House)
Thursday, May 1, 3:30-5:00 (Alumni House, Annual CAS Celebration)
Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Ex officio
Robbin Crabtree, Dean
Sally O’Driscoll, Chair of CAS (2012-2014, second term)
Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2013-2015, second term)
Bob Epstein, Humanities (2012-14)
Dave Crawford, Behavioral & Social Sciences (2012-14)
Marty Lomonaco, Interdisciplinary Programs (2013-15)
Vin Rosivach, At-large (2013-15)
Brian Walker, Natural Sciences & Mathematics (2013-15)