CAS Faculty Meeting
4 September 2014
Alumni House
3:30-5:30 p.m.

A.    Welcome from CAS Faculty Chair

B.    Approval of Minutes

Note: Draft minutes available on the CAS Faculty Website (via the link above)

C.    Brief address by SVPAA Babbington

D.    Introduction of new CAS faculty

E.    Update on the Humanities Institute, Prof. Davidson
F.    Dean's Remarks

G.    Adjournment

A reception, with refreshments courtesy of the Dean, will follow the meeting.

Arts & Sciences Planning Committee

Ex officio
Jim Simon, Dean
Bob Epstein, Chair of CAS (2016)
Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2015)
Steve Bayne, Humanities (2016)
Qin Zhang, Behavioral & Social Sciences (2016)
Marti LoMonaco, Interdisciplinary Programs (2015)
Anita Fernandez, Natural Sciences & Mathematics (2015)

(Associate Deans Aaron Perkus and Brian Walker also attend meetings)