CAS Faculty Meeting

22 October 2014
Alumni House
3:30-5:00 p.m.

I.          Approval of September minutes

II.          Announcements & Reports
            A.  Report, Faculty Representative - CAS Board of Advisors (Prof. Lakeland)
            B.  Update, 2020 Task Force on the Core Curriculum (AVPAA Malone & AVPAA Siegel)
III.         Dean's Remarks
IV.        Adjournment, followed by refreshments colleagues

Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Ex officio
Jim Simon, Dean
Bob Epstein, Chair of CAS (2016)
Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2015)
Steve Bayne, Humanities (2016)
Qin Zhang, Behavioral & Social Sciences (2016)
Marti LoMonaco, Interdisciplinary Programs (2015)
Anita Fernandez, Natural Sciences & Mathematics (2015)

(Associate Deans Aaron Perkus and Brian Walker also attend meetings)