CAS Faculty Meeting
24 November 2014
Alumni House
3:30-5:00 p.m.



I.          Approval of October minutes
II.         Announcements & Reports

A.  Update:  Prof. Sealey, MLK Commemoration

B.   Update:  Prof. McFadden, World Diversity credit for studying in non-western settings (see UCC policy below)
III.         Dean's Remarks

IV.        Update on Core task force
IV.        Adjournment, followed by refreshments

Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Ex officio
Jim Simon, Dean
Bob Epstein, Chair of CAS (2016)
Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2015)
Steve Bayne, Humanities (2016)
Qin Zhang, Behavioral & Social Sciences (2016)
Marti LoMonaco, Interdisciplinary Programs (2015)
Anita Fernandez, Natural Sciences & Mathematics (2015)

(Associate Deans Aaron Perkus and Brian Walker also attend ASPC meetings)

UCC Policy
World Diversity credit for studying in non-western settings
  1. Students may fulfill the World Diversity requirement by studying abroad in a non‑western environment
  2. To obtain world diversity credit the student must:
    1. while abroad maintain in electronic form a journal reflecting on issues of diversity as presented in the current Goals and Outcomes of the World Diversity requirement;
    2. on the basis of this reflective journal write a brief essay explaining how the study‑abroad experience fulfills the current goals and outcomes of the World Diversity requirement.
    3. submit the essay and reflective journal to the World Diversity subcommittee of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee before the end of the add/drop period in the semester after their study abroad.

  3. The World Diversity Committee will decide whether to grant World Diversity credit on the basis of the student'ʹs essay but may also consult the journal as appropriate. Appeal of a negative decision on the part of the World Diversity subcommittee may be made to an ad‑hoc subcommittee of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, whose decision will be final.