CAS Faculty Meeting

26 February 2015
Alumni House
3:30-5:00 p.m.

I.    Approval of November minutes

II.    Announcements

A.    Call for nominations (elections in March)

1.    Merit committee (department & at-large reps, 2-year terms)

2.    ASPC/planning committee (natural sciences & math; interdisciplinary programs; 2 year terms)

3.    Distinguished Teaching Award Committee

4.    CAS faculty secretary (2 year term)

B.    Upcoming plans for campus Water theme, Prof. Yarrington

C.    Update on 20/20 process and potential changes to the Core

III.         Report, CAS meeting w/Admissions & Marketing, Assoc. Dean Gudelunas

IV.        Dean’s remarks

Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Ex officio
Jim Simon, Dean
Bob Epstein, Chair of CAS (2016)
Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2015)
Steve Bayne, Humanities (2016)
Qin Zhang, Behavioral & Social Sciences (2016)
Marti LoMonaco, Interdisciplinary Programs (2015)
Anita Fernandez, Natural Sciences & Mathematics (2015)

(Associate Deans Gudelunas, Perkus, and Walker also attend meetings)

College of Arts & Sciences

19 February 2015

The College of Arts & Sciences will hold elections at our March 25th meeting.  In preparation for those elections, the ASPC announces a call for nominations for these College committees. 

Nominate yourself of a colleague for any of these positions at the March 25th meeting, or send an email nomination to CAS Faculty Chair Bob Epstein ( CAS faculty Secretary Scott Lacy (

1.    ASPC (Arts & Sciences Planning Committee) Member, 2 positions

The charge of this committee is to advise the Dean and to help identify the long-range goals of the College of Arts and Sciences, and to plan for their implementation. The committee should meet at least twice each semester and report regularly to the Arts and Sciences faculty on its forming of proposed goals and on the proposed strategies for the pursuit of those goals.

Criteria for nominations
•    one colleague from Interdisciplinary Programs, 2 year term

•    one colleague from Natural Sciences & Mathematics Representative, 2 year term

2.    ASPC
(Arts & Sciences Planning Committee) Faculty Secretary
•    2 year term

3.    Distinguished Teaching Award Committee
•    3 year term
•    Colleague from the Social & Behavioral Sciences

4.    Merit Review Committee
•    2 year term
•    One tenured colleague from each department (nominated by department)
•    One tenured at-large candidate from the Humanities
•    One tenured at-large candidate from the Social & Behavioral Sciences