College of Arts and Sciences
Faculty Meeting
Wednesday, March 25
Alumni House
3:30 p.m.
I.       Approval of the February Minutes
II.      Remarks from Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Lynn Babington
III.     ASCC Annual Report, Prof. Nash (ASCC Chair)
IV.     Elections
1.    Arts & Sciences Planning Committee (2 openings)
A.      Interdisciplinary Studies Representative (current nominees:  Kris Sealey
B.      Natural Sciences & Mathematics Representative (current nominees: Anita Fernandez)
2.    College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Secretary  (current nominees: Tommy Xie)
3.    College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Chair, 1-year replacement term (current nominees: Marti LoMonaco)
4.    Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee, Social & Behavioral Sciences colleague (current nominees:  Sallyanne Ryan)
5.  Merit Review Committee Members
A.    Department representatives (selected at department level, submit name to CAS Secretary prior to meeting)
B.    At-large representative, Humanities (each department selects one nominee for this ballot)
2 positions (1 year term to replace Gordon, plus new 2-year term for second nominee)

Nominees submitted by Departments:

  • English -
  • History -
  • Modern Languages & Literatures - Carolan
  • Philosophy - Naser
  • Religious Studies -
  • Visual & Performing Arts -

C.      At-large representative, Social & Behavioral Sciences (each department selects one nominee for this ballot)

Nominees submitted by Departments:

  • Communication -
  • Economics - Nantz
  • Political Science -
  • Psychology - Primavera
  • Sociology & Anthropology - Lacy
V.     Dean’s Remarks
VI.    Adjournment and CAS Faculty Reception