
15 April 2015

Alumni House

3:30 p.m.

I.    Approval of the minutes from the March meeting

II.    Update from the Core Advisory Council from Core Director Epstein
       *Planned recommendations based on the Core model that emerged from the Task Force

III.    Remarks from Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Williams

IV.    Comments and discussion regarding faculty governance, CAS leadership and “leadership model” initiatives        
        outlined by SVPAA Babington  (see appendix from CAS Chair)

V.     Dean's Remarks

VI.    Adjourn to Dean’s reception with refreshments
Please note:  the CAS will meet again on April 29th for our annual celebration meeting (including the presentation of the annual teaching award).

Note from CAS Chair

CAS Colleagues:
Item four (IV) on our agenda for the Apri 14 meeting is a discussion regarding CAS leadership and CAS “leadership model” initiatives outlined by SVPAA Babington.  In advance of that discussion, I have been asked to provide to faculty relevant materials from existing governance documents.  Here are links to the College of Arts and Sciences Governance Document and the Faculty Handbook.
Two selections that seem particularly relevant are excerpted below.  Minutes from the previous CAS meeting and the agenda are available on the CAS Faculty website. 
I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday afternoon,
Bob Epstein
Faculty Chair, College of Arts & Sciences

From the CAS Governance Document: Arts and Sciences Planning Committee
The Arts and Sciences Planning Committee consists of six members of the College faculty, including the Chairperson and Secretary ex officio, with at least one each from the Humanities, the Natural Sciences/Mathematics, and the Behavioral and Social Sciences. At least one member should have substantial involvement in interdisciplinary programs (for example, has served, within the past three years, as a director of an interdisciplinary program or on one or more interdisciplinary program steering committees).
No more than two members shall be from any one department; ideally the membership should be drawn from 6 different departments. The four non-ex officio members are elected by the College of Arts and Sciences to staggered two-year terms. The Dean of the College shall serve ex officio and chairs the meetings of the committee. All 7 members shall have full voting privileges.
[Revised and approved 6/4/09]
The charge of this committee is to advise the Dean and to help identify the long-range goals of the College of Arts and Sciences, and to plan for their implementation.
The committee should meet at least twice each semester and report regularly to the Arts and Sciences faculty on its forming of proposed goals and on the proposed strategies for the pursuit of those goals.

From the Faculty Handbook (p. 20):
3. Governance
Each School's faculty shall determine its own structure of governance, subject to the approval of the University President. The faculty of a School or the University President may propose amendments to a School's governance document. All amendments must be accepted by both the University President and the faculty of the School in question. Faculty approval of the initial governance documents and of subsequent amendments is obtained by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting of the faculty of the School in question.

Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Ex officio
Jim Simon, Dean
Bob Epstein, Chair of CAS (2016)
Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2015)
Steve Bayne, Humanities (2016)
Qin Zhang, Behavioral & Social Sciences (2016)
Marti LoMonaco, Interdisciplinary Programs (2015)
Anita Fernandez, Natural Sciences & Mathematics (2015)
(Associate Deans Gudelunas, Perkus, and Walker also attend meetings)