Friday, November 10, 2017

Alumni House

3:30 p.m.



1.  Announcements from the Chair


2.  Approval of the CAS meeting minutes from October 24, 2017.  The minutes are available here.


3.  Research Minutes (Three faculty will be invited to speak)

4.  Dean’s Remarks


5.  Core Revision (see attached Motion).  The CAS Core Revision committee is drafting a second motion about governance that will be made from the floor.

The Core Revision committee is working on revised motions, and if any faculty member wants to consult with the committee in advance of the meeting, they should send an email to the Chair (Prof. Shannon Harding).


6.  Adjournment.



Elected Members

Steve Bayne (Humanities)

Margaret McClure (Behavioral & Social Sciences)

Matthew Kubasik (Natural Sciences & Mathematics) 
Emily Orlando (Interdisciplinary Studies)


(Associate Deans Petrino and Sauer also attend meetings)


Ex officio

Richard Greenwald, Dean

Marti LoMonaco, Chair of CAS (2018)

John Miecznikowski, Secretary of CAS (2019)