College of Arts and Sciences Fairfield University


There were approximately 78 CAS faculty members present.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Glenn Sauer at 4:40.

Approval of Minutes of March 25, 2010

MOVED by Betsy Bowen and seconded by Laura McSweeney, that the minutes of the March 25 be approved as submitted.

PASSED 66-0-12.


Revised Governance Document

MOVED by David Sapp and seconded by David McFadden, that the Revised CAS Governance Document be approved.

Steve Bayne noted that one change made to the charge of the Arts and Sciences Planning Committee in section of the draft document is inconsistent with the duties of the College Chairperson as defined in section 3.3.3. According to 3.3.3 it is the college Chairperson's duty to formulate the agenda for College faculty meetings, but a change in the second paragraph of charges the A&S Planning Committee with forming agendas for College faculty meetings.

Steve Bayne also argued against the proposed deletion of the last line of the first paragraph of section, which read "All 7 members shall have full voting privileges." He argued that if the faculty members of the A&S Planning Committee are representatives elected by A&S faculty, they should have voting privileges at committee meetings. In light of this, he made the following two motions:

MOVED by Steve Bayne and seconded by Irene Mulvey, that page 16 of the Revised CAS Governance Document be amended in two places, as follows:


(1) First paragraph under Membership: add a final sentence: "All 7 members shall have voting privileges."

(2) Second paragraph, which begins with "The charge of...", in lines 3-4, delete: ", form agendas for the College faculty meetings,".


Discussion ensued. Irene Mulvey and David McFadden spoke in favor of the amendment.

MOVED by Dean Crabtree and seconded by Joseph Dennin, to call the question on the motion to amend. PASSED unanimously.

Motion to amend PASSED unanimously.

MOVED by Nancy Dallavalle and seconded by Al Benney, to call the question on the original motion. PASSED, with 2 nays.

Motion to approve the Revised Governance Document as amended PASSED 63-1 (voters present). Proxies: 2 in favor, 0 opposed: Total: PASSED 65-1.

MOVED by Irene Mulvey that the heartiest thanks be given to all those who worked so hard on these revisions. PASSED by acclamation, with applause.


Election of College Merit Plan Exploratory Committee

Chairman Sauer gave some background: at its meeting of March 25 the CAS faculty voted to form a Merit Plan Exploratory Committee. A call for volunteers went out, and several faculty members put their names forward. Chairman Sauer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. Several people were nominated. The final version of ballot was as follows:

Circle ONE from each division. (The Committee will consist of four people: the top vote-getter from each division and the next highest vote-getter overall)

Science and Math: Matt Kubasik, David Winn

Social and Behavioral : Susan Rakowitz

Arts and Humanities: Laura Nash, Dennis Keenan, Ellen Umansky


Ballots were passed out and collected. The following CAS faculty members were elected to the College Merit Plan Exploratory Committee:


                                     Matt Kubasik

                                                           Susan Rakowitz

                                                           Laura Nash

                                                           Dennis Keenan


Comments from the Dean

Dean Crabtree gave an update on recent CAS hires:


-       Colleen Arendt of Purdue

-       Michael Serazio of U. of Pennsylvania

Economics: Ania Askin of U. of Oregon

Modern Languages: Antonio Grau-Sempere of U. of Texas

History: Ali Yaycioglu of Harvard

Philosophy: David Pedudi, SJ, of Duquesne


Dean Crabtree reported that we have proposed searches for Biology, Economics, English, History, and Politics. Hopefully all of these will receive authorization to hire. SVPAA Fitzgerald has been promoting hires despite the University's tightening budget.

Dean Crabtree reported further that we have been courting some Jesuits. We were not able to hire all of the Jesuits we courted this past year, but we now have a monetary gift that will help us hire Jesuits next year.

Dean Crabtree congratulated Brian Walker of Biology, Gisela Gil-Egui and Qin Zhang of Communication, Jocelyn Boryczka of Politics, Terry Ann Jones of Sociology, Angela Biselli and Min Xu of Physics, and Mark Scalese of New Media in VPA for having been awarded tenure and promotion.

Dean Crabtree congratulated Shelley Phelan (BI), Larry Miners (EC), David Sapp (EN), and Linda Henkel (PY) for having been promoted to full professor.

Dean Crabtree announced that the Departmental Award for Assessment and Integration will be given in September.

Dean Crabtree praised the many research and publication accomplishments of the CAS faculty, and urged everyone to look at the books and articles on display at the back table.


Dean Crabtree announced the winner of the 2009-2010 Distinguished Teaching Award: Dr. Shannon Harding of the Department of Psychology.

Of Dr. Harding, Dean Crabtree stated:


            "Extraordinary teaching begins with the expertise a faculty member brings into the classroom. Passion for the discipline generally and the course subject specifically is deepened by a professor's commitment to her own research and when students become colleagues in the process of rigorous inquiry. Such a teacher recognizes an opportunity to teach in every setting – whether in the classroom and laboratory, when supervising student research, in one-on-one advising, through mentoring colleagues in effective pedagogy, by promoting a culture of good teaching at the institution, or bringing the educational resources of the institution out into the community for the benefit of school teachers and children. Since she came to Fairfield in 2002, Professor Shannon Harding has demonstrated truly distinguished teaching and an unwavering commitment to student learning in all of these settings.

Among her numerous contributions, Professor Harding has been instrumental in advancing faculty-supervised research as an integral part of our students' academic and professional development. This has entailed hundreds of hours guiding students through intricate laboratory and surgical techniques, as well as advocacy to gain recognition for all faculty who mentor students in this intensive way. Beyond campus, Professor Harding and her students promote science among elementary and middle school students in Bridgeport. For her own teaching accomplishments and the many ways in which she models our Ignatian pedagogical ideals, Fairfield University's College of Arts and Sciences recognizes Professor Shannon Harding with the 2010 Distinguished Teaching Award."


Dr. Harding received a standing ovation from the College Faculty.


Dean Crabtree gave the titles of books published and book manuscripts accepted for publication by the CAS faculty this academic year, and congratulated the authors. See Appendix A for these books and authors.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 for a lively reception.



Respectfully submitted,


Bill Abbott





Appendix A







Robbin D. Crabtree, Co-Editor

Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

Professor of Communication

David Alan Sapp, Co-Editor

Professor of English

Feminist Pedagogy

Looking Back to Move Forward

John Hopkins University Press, 2009


David L. Downie, Co-Author

Associate Professor of Politics

Director of the Program of the Environment

Global Environmental Politics

Westview Press, 2010


David L. Downie, Co-Editor

Associate Professor of Politics

Director of the Program of the Environment

The Global Environment Institutions, Law, and Policy

CQ Press, 2011


Joy Gordon, Author

Professor of Philosophy

Invisible War

The United States and the Iraq Sanctions

Harvard University Press, 2010


Terry-Ann Jones, Co-Editor

Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Eric Mielants, Co-Editor

Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Mass Migration in the World-System

Past, Present, and Future

Paradigm Publishers, 2010


Terry-Ann Jones, Co-Editor

Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Eric Mielants, Co-Editor

Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

Migrating Identities and Perspectives

Latin America and the Caribbean In Local and Global Contexts

Human Architecture Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge

Volume VII, Issue 4, Fall 2010


Paul Lakeland, Author

Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J. Chair

Professor of Catholic Studies

Director of the Center for Catholic Studies


Engaging Theology: Catholic Perspectives

Liturgical Press, 2009


Paul Lakeland, Editor

Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J. Chair

Professor of Catholic Studies and Religious Studies

Yves Congar: Selected Writings

Selected with an Introduction by Paul Lakeland

Modern Spiritual Masters Series

Orbis Books, 2010


Danke Li, Author

Associate Professor of History

Co-Director of Women Studies

Echoes of Chongqing

Women in Wartime China

University of Illinois Press, 2010


Nels Pearson, Co-Editor

Assistant Professor of English

Detective Fiction in a Postcolonial and

Transnational World

Ashgate Publishing Company, 2009


Michael P. Pagano, Author

Assistant Professor of Communication

Authoring Patient Records

An Interactive Guide

Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011


Michael White, Author

Professor of English

Beautiful Assassin

Harper Collins Publisher, 2010


Margaret Wills, Editor

Associate Professor of Communication

Communicating Spirituality

In Health Care

Hampton Press, Inc, 2009