College of Arts & Sciences Meeting
Fairfield University

Tuesday, October 9
4:00-5:30 PM
Alumni House


With approximately 47 faculty members in attendance, the Chair called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.  

I.    Approval of Minutes

Prof. Steffen MOVED to approve the 23 April 2012 minutes, SECONDED by Prof. Bowen.

Corrections to the previous minutes: 

Prof. Weiss noted that Math11 (MA11) was listed as a Core Course in the Dean’s remarks (item C, bullet 5).  Secretary deleted the reference to MA11 in the May minutes.

Motion PASSES (43 yea, 0 nay, 3 abstained).

II.    CAS Faculty Chair’s Welcome, Introduction of New Faculty

The CAS Chair welcomed new faculty.  New faculty were greeted with a hearty round of applause after the Chair read brief introductions for each of our new colleagues. 
Bidyut Das, Assistant Professor of the Practice, Physics
Carol Davis, Assistant Professor of English
Sara Diaz, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Italian, Modern Languages
Michelle Farrell, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages
Lucrecia Garcia Iommi, Assistant Professor of Politics
Margaret McClure, Assistant Professor of Psychology
John Slotemaker, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Toby Svoboda, Assistant Professor of Philosophy

III.    Elections

A.    CAS Award for Distinguished Teaching Selection Committee
One member, Humanities [3-year term]
Prof. Petrino volunteered for the position through self-NOMINATION.

By acclamation, Prof. Petrino was ELECTED to the Distinguished Teaching Selection Committee.

B.    CAS Rank & Tenure Guidelines Task Force members (formed by A&S Planning Committee) [one year commitment]   

Dean Crabtree offered several remarks to clarify the purpose of this task force, as formed by the ASPC. 

    Prof. Dewitt (self-nomination)               
    Prof. Nash (self-nomination)        
    Prof. Simon (nominated by Prof. Nash), accepted   
    Prof. Fernandez (self-nominated) 

By acclamation, Professors Dewitt, Nash, Simon, and Fernandez were elected to the CAS Rank & Tenure Guidelines Task Force.

IV.    Announcements by Faculty Members

Prof. Keenan, on behalf of the Faculty Salary Committee, announced that the annual Faculty Salary Committee survey will close on Friday, October 12 (rather than October 9 as previously announced).  He thanked all faculty members who already completed the survey, and he urged all others to take a moment to submit the survey by Friday.

V.    Dean’s remarks

A.    2011-12 CAS Annual Report (will be posted on CAS webpage)
o    12 books were published along with 171 articles, chapters, and other types of publications – 15% growth
o    Nearly 400 presentations at professional meetings, exhibits, etc.
o    More than $6.5M in new govt funding applications (amount funded nearing $1M)
o    The $380,000 NIH for BASE Camp (Phelan), the $171,000 for “God & Modern Biology” from Templeton (Sauer), and the $136,000 extension of the NSF CCLI (Steffen) were the largest last year.
o    5-year total for govt funding is just under $4M.
o    144 undergraduates presented papers at conferences, over 400 undergrads conducted independent or supervised research (some as part of capstone experiences), and over 200 students interned.
o    Three students in the College and one faculty member, Dr. Brian Walker, received Fulbright awards. There are a dozen students who are submitting Fulbright applications this year.
o    59 students completed an MA, MFA, or MS in the College last year. Four book contracts went to MFA students in addition to numerous essays, poems, and stories; five CO grad students had their research published in peer-reviewed journal articles or conference proceedings.

B.    Budget Update
•    Budgets should be in Banner; Dean’s office is investigating amounts allocated and advocating when non-allocations compromise programs.
•    FY ’14 requests will be due soon.

C.    Faculty Update
•    Tenure Track Searches unfolding in History, Sociology, Biochemistry, Economics, Math
•    Due to loss of temporary visiting positions, pace of retirements, and slowed pace of hiring, the College is down by as many as 12 full-time faculty (most in the form of what used to be f/t visiting faculty) from a few years ago, which is very alarming to all of us.  Part of this is due to phased retirement faculty who are no longer counted as full-time, yet still teaching courses.
•    Rank & Tenure deadlines are approaching for faculty letters; please review your colleagues materials with enough lead time to provide them with useful feedback so they can make revisions before materials come to Dean; please write useful evaluative letters, which R&T committee expects.

D.    Updates on Programs and Initiatives in the College
•    MPA program approved by Academic Council [Mark LeClair, inaugural director; MLS headed to ASCC this semester (thanks to Steve Bayne and his working group, who have produced a very strong proposal)]
•    Market research confirmed existing regional market for MPA seeking students.
•    Many new department chairs and program directors bringing new ideas and energy and demonstrating exemplary shared leadership
•    Program reviews beginning for PY, EC, PO, HI and MA graduate program. 
Faculty members conducting reviews have been enthusiastic, productive.  Dean thanked faculty for their strong efforts in this year’s program reviews.
•    Thanks to everyone who worked on the annual reports; 2011-12 CAS annual report will be posted on the CAS webpage following today’s meeting. 
•    Update on “Integrative Health Sciences” Initiative summer task force.
•    Update on summer Humanities Fellows and “21st Humanities Institute” Initiative for advancing the Humanities at Fairfield.  Penultimate draft of Fellows report near completion. 
•    Next meeting I will report on the NEASC 5-year interim review.

E.  Final Thought
“These are not easy times to be in higher education, nor easy times at Fairfield. But we in the College are getting great work done for the benefit of our students, our programs and colleagues, and for the institution. We should be proud.”

VI.     Q&A with the Dean 

Prof. Bowen asked the Dean to update faculty on portfolio reviews (of programs) which has been discussed at the past two meetings with the Board of Trustee.

The Dean reported that the portfolio review process uses business-oriented models to estimate the relative cost of a seat in any given program (e.g. “What is the cost of a seat in an anthropology class, an English class, etc.”).   She added that the College
“comes out very well” in preliminary analysis. 

Prof. Bowen urged colleagues and the Dean to “keep an eye on this process,” because it has the potential to significantly impact our professional lives.

Prof. Naser asked if the review process was driven by strict cost-benefit analysis, or if there is a strategic vision around which the process is organized.  He added that if cost-driven analysis is the primary value of the review process, the process is “lost.”  The process must have a specific strategic vision to effectively calibrate the analysis.

In response, the Dean explained that the University Mission is currently the guiding principle of the review process.  The Dean will share results and reports with Chairs. 

Regarding Bowen’s brief remarks, the Dean believes that the Trustees may presume, that some programs and courses are less efficient and cost-effective than others.  Preliminary results from the portfolio review process have indicated that the College performs well under this cost-analysis rubric.

The Dean noted that containing costs at any university, not just Fairfield, should not unduly focus on the academic division.  Public discourse often supports cutting academic division funds.  Other university divisions should be equally and publicly accountable. 

AVP Paul Fitzgerald and Julie Dolan are developing a formula to conduct the
program review, results of which will be presented to Deans. 
VII.    Adjournment

Professor Sauer MOVED to adjourn, seconded by Prof. Pearson.
Motion PASSED (51 yea, 0 nay, 0 abstained).

At 4:42 p.m. the Chair adjourned the meeting, inviting colleagues to enjoy the welcome reception, which followed adjournment.


Wednesday, November 14, 4:00-5:30 PM


[Ex officio]
Robbin Crabtree, Dean
Sally O'Driscoll, Chair (2012-2014)
Scott Lacy, Secretary (2011-2013)

Marti LoMonaco (2011-2013)
Glenn Sauer (2011-2013)
David Crawford (2012-2014)
Bob Epstein (2012-2014)