College of Arts & Sciences Meeting
Fairfield University

Wednesday, April 24, 3:30-5:00 PM
Alumni House


I.    Approval of March 22 CAS Minutes (click to view, download, or print) 

Professor Weiss MOVED to accept the minutes; Professor Steffen SECONDED the motion.
With a clear majority voting yea, the motion PASSED.

II.    Annual Report from the ASCC (Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee)

Prof. Rosivach, ASCC Chair, presented the Annual Report of the Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee.  A full version of the report is available here (ASCC page of the CAS Faculty website).  After acknowledging his ASCC colleagues for a productive year of service, Rosivach summarized the work completed by the committee over the past academic year. 
Approved Courses (Undergraduate)
AY140,  AY199,  BI315,  CL325,  EC270,  EN/W306,  EN130,  EN203,  FR219,  FTM102,  FTM130,  FTM132,  FTM220,  HI313,  HI325,  MA/CS151,  MA119,  MA120,  MA221,  MA300,  MU206,  PH265, PO135,  PO136,  RS240,  RS241,  RS276,  RS299,  WGS101

Approved Courses (Graduate)
CO547,  LS401,  LS515,  LA598,  LS599
Master of Liberal Studies (new)
Concentration in Visual Arts Administration (new in VPA)
Music Curriculum Redesign
Theatre Curriculum Redesign
Environmental Studies revision (Environmental Ethics)
Biology major revision (Math)

 6.  Syllabus information (provide on separate page)
a. Course overview or summary
Fully developed course outline:
 i.  Goals/Desired Student Learning Outcomes
ii.  Topics to be covered

iii. Requirements

iv.  Testing/evaluation methods
v.   Required and supplementary student reading
6.  Syllabus information (provide on separate page)
a. Course overview or summary
Fully developed course outline:
 i.  Course Goals/Desired Student Learning Outcomes
ii.  Desired assessable student learning outcomes
iii. Topics to be covered
Testing/evaluation methods 
vi. Required and supplementary student reading

Rosivach asked the CAS faculty if they had any questions about the proposed changes to the New Course Proposal Forms.  With no questions from the floor, Prof. McKisick MOVED to accept the proposed language change.  Prof. Miners SECONDED the motion.  With no further questions or comments from the floor, the Chair called a vote.  The motion PASSED (36-0-0).

N.B. The CAS Secretary, at the request of Prof. Rosivach, updated the New Course Proposal Forms on the CAS Faculty Website.   Updated forms:   undergraduate     graduate

III.    Dean’s remarks and Q&A

A.   Announcements

The Dean announced that her office will provide updates related to annual performance reviews, commencement, and summer orientation via email in order to preserve ample time for the celebration of CAS faculty achievements. 

B.    Discussion of Strategic Priorities

Integrated Health Sciences Initiative
The Dean updated the CAS faculty on the Integrated Health Sciences Initiative (IHSI).  The IHSI "provides Fairfield University and its students with new spaces, new scholarships, innovative pedagogies, interdisciplinary collaborations, and additional faculty, all geared towards engaging current and future healthcare priorities."

The Dean discussed several examples of faculty
opportunities  emerging from the Initative.

Faculty research collaborations
Student-faculty research
Endowed professorships
Integration of the School of Engineering into Bannow
Creating individual courses
New major or minor programs

Professors O'Shea (School of Nursing) and Walker (Biology) are have been appointed the inaugural Faculty Co-Facilitators of the initiative. As the initiative unfolds, terms will be created and opportunities to apply for these positions will be created.

The next steps for the initiative include the creation of an IHSI web presence, faculty collaborative lunches, research colloquia, conference on healthcare ethics, and a potential healthcare summit (alumni experts, faculty, students).  The Dean mentioned that Comm and Applied Ethics have been collaborating on a conference that will be held next spring on ethics of healthcare; look for information in the fall.

Following the Dean's presentation, the Chair opened the floor for questions.  Prof. Salafia asked about the absence of a physician's assistant program in the initiative.  Any curricular changes or additions will, as always, come from the faculty. The Dean thanked Salafia for his input, and she encouraged all CAS faculty to continue thinking about the IHSI and to explore and share good ideas.   She noted that Fairfield University does not have a comprehensive academic medical programcenter, so a physician's assistant program may very wellor may not be appropriate for the IHSI.

Humanities Institute
Last year, ten Summer Fellows from the Fairfield faculty started a productive discussion to begin the process of establishing an innovative
Humanities Institute.  The Summer Fellows sought out examples of compelling humanities initiatives and identified several ideas for consideration, including the creation of a Center for Humanities with a faculty director and dedicated space. 

2012 Summer Fellows, Humanities Institute
Sara Brill, Philosophy
David Crawford, for the Social Sciences
Ron Davidson, Religious Studies
Philip Eliasoph, VPA Art History
Sonja Huber, English
Manyul Im, Philosphy & CAS Dean’s Office
Jerelyn Johnson, Modern Languages & Literatures
Sally O’Driscoll, English
Giovanni Ruffini, History
Katherine Schwab, VPA Art History

The Center being imagined by these Fellows would include programming such as: faculty research fellowships, visiting and post-doctoral faculty fellows, research colloquia (fellows and students), a biennial conference, and continued annual funding for events and other programs.  The next steps will focus on finalizing the case statement, creating budgets, fundraising, and when funding is in place, building a new advisory committee structure. 

The Dean announced that Fairfield University received a Teagle Grant on "Enduring Questions" which relates well to the Humanities Institute initiative, and faculty should look for opportunities to engage with that funded project.

C.    Faculty hiring update

The Dean announced the seven six new faculty hires, 5 from searches and another the recruitment of a Jesuit.
New CAS Colleagues (starting 2013-14)
•    Math – Paul Baginski and Rebecca Fang
•    Economics –  R. Scott Hiller
•    History (Islamic World) – Silvia Marsans-Sakly
•    Bio-Chemistry –  Aaron van Dyke
•    Sociology & Anthropology –   Rachelle Brunn
•    Physics –  Jonathan Stott, SJ

The Dean reported that the CAS also received six visiting assistant professor positions and renewals for all professors of practice.

D.    Rank & Tenure update

The following faculty have been promoted to the rank of Professor: Dr. Dina Franceschi (EC), Dr. Danke Li and Dr. Yohuru Williams (both of HI)

The following faculty have been tenured and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor: Dr. Amanda Harper-Leatherman and Dr. John Miecznikowski (both of CH/BC), Dr. Emily Orlando (EN), and Dr. Kris Sealey (PH).

Warm applause from colleagues followed the rank & tenure announcements.

E.    Gratitude for our individual accomplishments, our work together, our community

The Dean expressed gratitude for the service and accomplishments of all CAS faculty.  Then she identified a few members of our campus community to recognize and than them individually. 

She thanked the CAS staff for their dedication and hard work  (Jean Daniele, Fran Yadre, Jean Siconolfi, Sandy Richardson, Cathy Alberti)

She thanked the Assistant Deans for serving our students incomparably (Sue Peterson, Dawn DeBiase).

She thanked the Associate Deans for guiding the College and informing the Dean's work in many important ways (Manyul Im, Jim Simon, and Aaron Perkus). The Dean added that the Associate Deans have done a remarkable job working with departments, programs, and faculty to support and advance our priorities.

The Dean expressed her heartfelt thanks to all the CAS Department Chairs, ID Program Directors, and Grad Program Directors, all of whom work together to solve problems, move the college forward, ensure our students get a great education, and support all our faculty’s success.

The Dean
also expressed her gratitude to the ASCC and the A&S Planning Committee for the hard work they do.

She also thanked the members of the A&S Student Awards Committees and the Merit Review Committees.

The Dean thanked CAS Faculty Secretary Scott Lacy and CAS Faculty Chair Sally O’Driscoll.

IV.    Presentation of 2013 CAS Award for Distinguished Teaching

The Dean presented the 2013 CAS Award for Distinguished Teaching to Prof. Bob Epstein, English.

The Dean shared the following remarks in honor of Prof. Epstein:

"Teaching excellence is grounded in passion for discipline and dedication to student learning. Truly distinguished teaching balances academic rigor and care for students with creative renewal of curriculum and pedagogy that inspires students and colleagues alike.

For 15 years, Professor Bob Epstein has enriched the English curriculum with courses on medieval literature to stimulate learning journeys that are as connected to liberal arts traditions as they are personalized to students’ contemporary experiences. Popular courses, such as “Fairytales” and “All About Eve,” excite students about content that is historically and linguistically strange to them and motivate their critical thinking and self-expression. Students respect Professor Epstein for the right reasons: he has infectious enthusiasm for his material, he is demanding and pushes students to think critically and deeply, and he gives students every opportunity to succeed. His colleagues admire his diligent approach to developing student writing through a continuous process of reflection and revision. This approach requires considerable time and detailed attention to each student, patience with individual pace and process, and commitment to nurturing student success, whatever it takes. At the same time, Professor Epstein is scrupulous in promoting academic integrity, embodying and enforcing the highest intellectual standards. Professor Epstein brings these same habits to extensive service and leadership at Fairfield, much of which supports the core curriculum, promotes interdisciplinary inquiry, and defends the inherent value of the liberal arts.

For these sustained commitments and accomplishments, the College of Arts & Sciences recognizes Professor Bob Epstein with the 2013 Distinguished Teaching Award."

V.    Celebration of Faculty Accomplishments

The Dean congratulated all faculty for another productive year, and she encouraged colleagues to peruse the books, articles, and other artifacts on display in Alumni House. After noting reading several the faculty book authors and titles of their books, and achievements, she closed, "I continue to be so proud to be a member of this distinguished community of teacher-scholars-artists and grateful for the opportunity to serve you as Dean."

VI.    Adjourn to refreshments (Jacqueline, Nels)

Prof. Boryczka MOVED to adjourn.  Prof. Pearson SECONDED the motion.    With unanimous approval, the motion PASSED.  The Chair ahjourned the meeting at 4:19p.m. and encouraged colleagues to enjoy the faculty reception and to review the CAS faculty works on display for the day's meeting.

A&S Planning Committee

Ex officio
Robbin Crabtree, Dean
Sally O'Driscoll, Chair (2012-2014)
Scott Lacy, Secretary (2011-2013)

Elected (4 members)
Bob Epstein (2012-2014)
Dave Crawford* (2012-2014)
*Rick DeWitt, Sabbatical Replacement, Spring 2013
Marti LoMonaco (2011-2013)
Glenn Sauer (2011-2013)