CAS Faculty Meeting

22 October 2014
Alumni House
3:30-5:00 p.m.

With 49 colleagues in attendance, the Chair called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m.  One proxy was filed: Prof. Nash for Prof. Rose.

I.          Approval of September minutes

Prior to the meeting, Prof. Weiss submitted typographical corrections, which were incorporated into the September 2014 minutes.

Prof.  Harding MOVED to approve the minutes.  Prof. Gudelenas SECONDED the motion. With a clear majority voting yea, the motion PASSED.

II.          Announcements & Reports
            A.    Report, Faculty Representative - CAS Board of Advisors (Prof. Lakeland)

Prof. Lakeland reported on the recent meeting of the CAS Board of Advisors.

B.    Report on Hardiman and Lawrence Scholarships (Assoc. VP Williams)

Assoc. VP Williams provided the following updates on university scholarship opportunities: 
Assoc. VP Williams answered a few questions from CAS faculty.

C.    Update, 2020 Task Force on the Core Curriculum (AVPAA Malone & AVPAA Siegel)

        [Slides from this presentation are available on the CAS Faculty Website]

Assoc. Vice-President Siegel presented a comprehensive update on the progress and mission of the university task force on the Core Curriculum. 
III.         Dean's Remarks

Dean Simon dispensed with College announcements and followed a suggest from Prof. Bowen and others that the CAS faculty meetings could be used to discuss a critical issue facing the college.  He presented a chart that came from a senior management meeting in July 2014.  The chart showed a decline in freshmen choosing a CAS major rather than a pre-professional program like DSB of SoN (62% to 47% of enrolling freshmen since the class of 2014). 
The Dean opened the floor for discussion and asked if CAS colleagues felt these numbers were cause for alarm.  He asked for faculty input on what the College could and/or should do, if anything, to address the trend. 
The Dean invited CAS faculty to share more comments about the CAS numbers and the issues discussed today.  He encouraged colleagues to continue the discussion after the meeting as we enjoy our refreshments.

The Dean announced that Prof. Gudelunas will begin his term as Associate Dean beginning Spring semester 2015.

The Dean reported that as part of the Faculty Salary Committee discussions, he will pursue multi-year contracts as a priority.  He will also work to increase our ability to get documents and data in a timely manner from university administration. 

IV.       Adjournment, followed by refreshments colleagues

Prof. Dennin MOVED to adjourn.  Prof. Crawford SECONDED the motion.   With a clear majority of CAS faculty voting in favor, the Chair ADJOURNED the meeting.

Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Jim Simon, Dean
Bob Epstein, Chair of CAS (2016)
Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2015)
Steve Bayne, Humanities (2016)
Qin Zhang, Behavioral & Social Sciences (2016)
Marti LoMonaco, Interdisciplinary Programs (2015)
Anita Fernandez, Natural Sciences & Mathematics (2015)

(Associate Deans Aaron Perkus and Brian Walker also attend meetings)