CAS Faculty Meeting

26 February 2015
Alumni House
3:30-5:00 p.m.

With 55 members present, the Chair called the meeting to order.

I.    Approval of November minutes

The Chair opened the floor to approve the minutes.  Prof. Bowen MOVED to approve the minutes.  Prof. Gannet SECONDED the motion.

With no corrections or revisions from the floor, the Chair CALLED THE VOTE.   With a clear majority voting in favor, the motion PASSED.

II.    Announcements

A.    Call for nominations

The Chair announced that the following calls for nominations are officially open.  Elections for these positions will be held at our March meeting.

1.    Merit committee (department & at-large reps, 2-year terms)
2.    ASPC/planning committee (natural sciences & math; interdisciplinary programs; 2 year terms)
3.    CAS faculty secretary (2 year term)

B.    Upcoming plans for campus Water theme, Prof. Yarrington

Prof. Yarrington provided an update on Water theme events and initiatives.

Water Theme Steering Committee Members
Jo Yarrington, facilitator, CAS
Patricia Poli, co-facilitator, DSB
Lori Jones, co-facilitator, Quick Center
Faculty (CAS, DSB, SOE, SON)

Initiatives to date…
Web page
Water Wall
Interdisciplinary film series
Interdisciplinary seminar – EV 302
Core Writing Sequence, AY 2014-15 (Gannett)
Business Leaders Breakfast Discussion about Ethics (Schmidt)

Water theme courses
BI 174    Biology of Food (Klug)
BI 76/CH 76    Environmental Science (Biardi)   
CH 83    Survey of Chemistry (Bethray)
EC 120Environmental and Resource Economics (Franceschi)
EN 12    Texts and Contexts II (10 sections)
EN 214    Oceanic Shakespeare (Kelley)
HR 202    Water as a Global Security Issue (Rajan)    
EV 302    Interdisciplinary Research Seminar (Yarrington)
MG 101    Introduction to Management (Cavanaugh)
MK 101    Principles of Marketing (Neal)    
SA 11    Foundations: Structure, Space, Environment (Donovan)
SA 133    Photography I: Alternative Processes Post
SA 134    Digital Photography: Imagine Water (Edwards)
SA 139    Watercolor (Chamlin)

Interdisciplinary Film Series
Rain, 1929 and The River, 1938, Discussant: Scalese
Tapped, 2009, Discussant: Poli
Water, 2005, Discussant: Mughal
Manufactured Landscapes, 2006, Discussant: Edwards
DamNation, 2014, Discussant: Berdanier
Chinatown, 1974, Discussant: Lerner
Ugetsu, 1953, Discussant: Xiao
The Business of Being Born, 2008, Discussant: LoGiudice
The Island President, 2011, Discussant: Biardi
lo sono Li, 2011, Discussant: Carolan
Rivers and Tides, 2001, Discussant: Donovan
Gasland, 2010, Discussant: Biardi and LEAF members

Spring Campus Events (2015)
University Sponsored Field Trips
March 21: Maritime Aquarium, Norwalk, CT (Yarrington and Poli)
April 11: Mill River: Coordinated by Biardi (with Steffen)
April 24: Millstone Nuclear Power Plant (Yarrington)

Water Events in 2015-2016
Public Lectures and Events Committee
Spring survey for new theme
Business Leaders Breakfast Discussion about Ethics
D. Schmidt and Fairfield Rotary
Panel Discussion I - Partnering with Aquarion Water Company
Government and regional issues
Environmental impact
Panel Discussion II – Partnering with N. Napolitano, Jesuit Social Ministries
Activism and global stewardship

Prof. Yarrington encouraged colleagues to consider taking on the position to be the next cross-curricular theme leader.  She described her experience as the Water theme chair as a positive one.

C.    Update on 20/20 process and potential changes to the Core

Prof. Dallavalle provided a brief report on the 2020 process and potential changes to the core.  She noted that the discussion on revisions to the Core are on hold until a Director of the Core Curriculum is selected.  The director will lead any strategies to revise the Core via normal committee processes (plenty of  opportunities for discussion)

Prof. Dallavalle encouraged colleagues, departments, and programs to submit feedback on the proposed revisions to the Core.  She advised colleagues to be "concrete" and put your ideas on the table for the yet to be appointed Director of the Core.. 

Bowen:  What was the process of soliciting nominations, and what are the criteria for selecting the director?  Will the director be a faculty member?

Prof. Epstein (task force member):  The proposal and task force document will be handed off to a faculty committee and the new Director of the Core Curriculum, who will report to Dean.  He added that the process of soliciting nominations began with a call for nominations, but there was no certainty who received that call for nominations (perhaps steering committee members). 

Prof. Dennen:  What was the rationale for the $1million line in the budget for “core or 2020 initiatives?

Prof. Dallavalle:  I do not have information about that.

Prof. Bowen:  Can we get information on the process and criteria for selecting the Director of the Core Curriculum? 

Prof. Gannett:  Now that the 2020 committee process is complete, who should we send our comments and responses to now?

Prof. Dallavalle:  Send it to the former chairs and/or steering committee members.

Prof. Mulvey noted that it is concerning and difficult to reconcile with the $1 milion budget line considering that the 2020 initiative was fueld by the idea that we need to save money and increase efficiency. 

Assoc. Dean Perkus:  I sat on the steering committee last year.  If we look at the demographics, it is clear that if we don't diversity our portfolio and get more students, we will not have a sustainable model.  Some ideas will create revenue, some will require funding, and others will be revenue neutral.

Dean Simon:  I spoke with Lynn about the new Director of the Core.  I encouraged the Vice President to select a Director from the college, which houses the Core.  The Dean reported that he nominated 10 CAS faculty members for the position.  The Vice President of Academic Affairs has interviewed at least one of the faculty nominated by Dean Simon. 

Prof. McFadden Thanked Dean Simon for his discussion with AVP Babington.

Prof. Dennen:  Who will be responsible for spend the budgeted funds?

Prof. Dallavalle:  At end of semester, the steering committee will send a report to the President, and the budget and process go from there.

Prof. Rosivach:  Please reiterate throughout the process that any changes or revisions to the Core curriculum must go through the proper channels.   

III.         Report, CAS meeting w/Admissions & Marketing, Assoc. Dean Gudelunas

Assoc. Dean Gudelunas reported on a meeting with the Chairs of the Social and Behavioral Sciences and Admissions and Marketing.  The primary take-aways from the meeting are listed below:
IV.        Dean’s remarks

The Dean noted that he was keen to sustain his tradition of keeping his comments brief.  Today he discussed three items before opening the floor for comments and questions. 
With no more comments from the floor, Prof. Dennen MOVED to close the meeting.  Prof. Yarrington SECONDED the motion.

With a clear majority in favor, the motion PASSED.

The Chair ADJOURNED the meeting at 4:35p.m.

Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Ex officio
Jim Simon, Dean
Bob Epstein, Chair of CAS (2016)
Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2015)
Steve Bayne, Humanities (2016)
Qin Zhang, Behavioral & Social Sciences (2016)
Marti LoMonaco, Interdisciplinary Programs (2015)
Anita Fernandez, Natural Sciences & Mathematics (2015)

(Associate Deans Gudelunas, Perkus, and Walker also attend meetings)

College of Arts & Sciences

19 February 2015

The College of Arts & Sciences will hold elections at our March 25th meeting.  In preparation for those elections, the ASPC announces a call for nominations for these College committees.  

Nominate yourself of a colleague for any of these positions at the March 25th meeting, or send an email nomination to CAS Faculty Chair Bob Epstein ( CAS faculty Secretary Scott Lacy (

1.    ASPC (Arts & Sciences Planning Committee) Member, 2 positions
•    2 year term
•    one colleague from Interdisciplinary Programs
•    one colleague from Natural Sciences & Mathematics Representative

2.    ASPC Faculty Secretary
•    2 year term

3.    Merit Review Committee
•    2 year term
•    One colleague from each department (nominated by department)
•    One at-large candidate from the Humanities
•    One at-large candidate from the Social & Behavioral Sciences