CAS Faculty Meeting

25 March 2015

Alumni House
3:30 p.m.


Proxies filed:

Prof. Henkel for Prof. Harding and Prof. McSweeney
Prof. Van Dyke for Prof. Miecznikowski and Prof. Steffen

With 68 members present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 3:34p.m.

I.    Approval of November minutes

The Chair opened the floor to approve the minutes.  Prof. Bowen MOVED to approve the minutes.  Prof. Weiss SECONDED the motion.

With no corrections or revisions from the floor, the Chair CALLED THE VOTE.   With a clear majority voting in favor, the motion PASSED.

II.    Update on status of CAS Dean search, Senior Vice President for Academic Affaris Babington

SVPAA Babington provided an update on CAS leadership and the search for the new CAS Dean.  Her remarks are outlined below.

Dean Search - the Process & Result
Dean Search - the Road Forward
Closing Remarks
Question & Answer Session

Prof. Bowen:    What is a leadership model?  Does that term indicate a different Dean profile?

SVPAA:    There has been a lot of discussion about alternative structures for the college.  That said it is not my position to select the ideal structure or leadership model for the College.  The task force will look at what the CAS needs to be more distinctive, to capitalize on existing resources, and to strengthem the college.  Instead of bringing in a new dean for the College while it's in flux, we'd be wise to first better articulate who we are. 

Prof. Bowen:  Where were the discussions?

SVPAA:    They were programmatic discussions that were not at the CAS-wide level. 

Prof. Mielants:   Will there be a new search during Dean Williams term as interim dean?

SVPAA:  Yes.

Mulvey:  I was not aware of the discussions on potential new leadership models.  I don’t know what "leadership model" means.  I respect the CAS leaders you selected for the task force, but they were not elected by their CAS colleagues.  The people you listed were appointed by you.

SVPAA:  I appointed the group to represent the different disciplines in the college.

Mulvey:  Yes, but they have were not elected.  They were appointed.  They are representing the CAS as appointees not elected representatives.  Will the leadership team look to the College governance document throughout the process?

SVPAA:   I assume they will work within the College governance structure.

Prof. Thiel:   Since CAS colleagues haven't had leadership model discussions, I assume this initiave is a response to conversations outside the College.  Is that true?

SVPAA:  Did I close the search because someone else told me to?  No.   I based my decision on the search materials and research.  My goal is transparency, and I believe I have been transparent.  My goal is to represent all academic endevours and interests at the highest level.  In the past year there has been College rhetoric about losing students, losing strengths).  We now have an opportunity to examine our strengths and consider alternative models.

Prof. Epstein:   In the event the group developes proposals related to our governance structure, those ideas and proposals go to the CAS faculty for approval, correct?

SVPAA: The College governance structure must be followed. 

Prof. Lakeland:  Can you assure us that the task assigned to this team of four, in no circumstances, involves dissecting the College?

SVPAA:  That is not my intention for the process.  I have no motive to take pieces of the College and send them elsewhere.

III.    Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee (ASCC) Report

Prof. Nash, ASCC Chair reported on the accomplishmets of the ASCC in the 2014-15 academic year.  She thanked her fellow committee members for their efforts and dedication.

ASCC Accomplishments-to-Date
IV.    CAS Elections

1.    Arts & Sciences Planning Committee (2 openings)

A.    Interdisciplinary Studies Representative
The Chair announced that prior to the meeting, Prof. Sealey accepted a nomination to serve as the Interdisciplinary Studies member of the ASPC.  The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations.  With no further nominations, Prof. Sealey was ELECTED by acclaimation to the ASPC.

B.      Natural Sciences & Mathematics Representative
The Chair announced that prior to the meeting, Prof. Fernandez accepted a nomination to serve as the Natural Sciences & Mathematics member of the ASPC.  The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations.  With no further nominations, Prof. Fernandez was ELECTED by acclaimation to the ASPC.

2.    College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Chair, 1-year replacement term

The Chair announced that due to his new appointment as Director of the Core Curriculum, he will not serve the second year of his term as College faculty chair.  Prior to the meeting, Prof. LoMonaco accepted a nomination to serve as the College faculty chair (1-year replacement term).  The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations.  With no further nominations, Prof. LoMonaco was ELECTED College faculty chair.
3.     College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Secretary

The Chair announced that prior to the meeting, Prof. Davis accepted a nomination to serve as the College faculty secretary (2-year term).  The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations.  With no further nominations, Prof. Davis was ELECTED College faculty secretary.
4.    Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee, Social & Behavioral Sciences colleague

The Chair announced that prior to the meeting, Prof. Ryan accepted a nomination to serve as the Social & Behavioral Sciences member of the Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee.  The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations.  With no further nominations, Prof. Ryan was ELECTED to the teaching award selection committee.

5.  Merit Review Committee Members
A.   Department Representatives
The Chair announced the winners of this year's merit review committee members.  The members listed in the far right column were elected as department representatives to their divisional merit review committees (2-year terms).   The members listed in the left column will serve the final year of their service with this year's round of merit review. 

2013-14 & 2014-15
2014-15 & 2015-16
Moderl Lang. & Lit.
Religious Studies
Visual & Perf. Arts
Kubasik O'Connell

B.   At-large Divisional Representatives
This year, CAS colleagues elected 2 at-large members to represent the humanities, and 1 at-large colleague to represent the social and behavioral sciences.   The second humanities representative is a 1-year replacement postion for Prof. Gordon.

The Chair announced that their respective departments nominated the following canditates for the at-large divisional slots below:

Humanities (2 slots) - Xie, Carolan, Naser, Nguyen, Rose
Social & Behavioral Sciences (1 slot) - Pagano, Nantz, Borryczka, Lacy
*The second highest vote recipient for the Humanities slot will serve a 1-year replacement

Chair-elect LoMonaco and Secretary-elect Davis tallied the written ballots for the at-large divisional representatives.  The winners are listed below.

2013-14 & 2014-15
2014-15 & 2015-16
At-large, Humanities
At-large, Soc & Beh Sciences


V.    Dean's Remarks

The Dean announced three new hires for the College.  

Chemistry & Biochemistry - Dr. Jillian Smith-Carpenter, Emory University (post-doctorate)

Economics - Prof. Hedieh Shadmani, Kansas State

History (Southeast Asia) - Dr. Sunil Purushotham, Cambridge

*The Psychology Department suspended its search.

The Dean announced that he will report on next year's proposed searches at the April meeting of the College.

The Dean announced that all visiting lines and professors of the practice were renewed.

The Dean closed with a reminder that there was just over a week left to submit a colleague as a nominee for this year's Distinguished Teaching Award.

The Dean opened the floor to questions.   With no questions from the floor, the Chair opened the floor for motions or new business.

VI.   Adjournment

Prof. Keenan MOVED to close the meeting.  Prof. Mielants SECONDED the motion.  The Chair closed the meeting at 4:09p.m.  CAS colleagues adjourned to the Dean's reception.

College Planning Comming (ASPC)


Bob Epstein, Chair (2016)
Scott Lacy, Secretary (2015)
Marti LoMonaco, Chair-elect (2016)
Carol Ann Davis, Secretary-elect (2017)

-Dean's Office-
Jim Simon, Dean
David Gudelunas, Associate Dean
Aaron Perkus, Associate Dean
Brian Walker, Associate Dean