Friday, April 7, 2017
Alumni House

3:30 p.m.


Proxies were held by:                                     For:
Ronald Davidson                                             Patricia Behre

Laura Nash                                                      Marice Rose

Laura Nash                                                      Jo Yarrington

Susan Rakowitz                                                Irene Mulvey

The meeting was called to order at 3:33 p.m. by Interim Chair Professor Bayne.

I.  Approval of the January 27, 2017 Meeting Minutes

The chair asked for a motion to approve the minutes from January 27, 2017.  Professor Bowen MOVED to approve, Professor Miecznikowski SECONDED.  With the exception of four abstentions, the motion PASSED unanimously. 

II.  Faculty Research Minutes

The chair introduced Professor Orlando, who discussed her research in 19th and early 20th century transatlantic literature, with a particular focus on gender and the sexual politics of representation.  Professor Orlando spoke about her work on the American realist writer Edith Wharton and particularly her engagement with visual culture, noting that she is currently editing Volume 6 of The Complete Works of Edith Wharton, for Oxford UP, which will be comprised of her many writings on architecture, design, and gardens.  She has also been working on literary conversations between Oscar Wilde and Edith Wharton and between Nella Larsen and Edith Wharton.  Professor Orlando noted that she’d love to have a time machine that would bring them all over to dinner, but she fears that Wilde wouldn’t approve of her china and her dogs wouldn’t be the right breed for Edith.   

III.  Update on CAS Dean’s Search, Mary Frances Malone, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

The chair introduced Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Malone to provide an update on the CAS Dean Search. 

AVPAA Malone:  The search is moving along quite aggressively.  As of last Wednesday, we had 65 candidates, and today we have 75.  This is not at all unusual according to search firm, and in fact they tell us that often the strongest candidates apply at the last minute.  The ad states that in order to receive full consideration, applications must be received by April 8, which means that we could receive a few more.  The search committee will review all of the applications, and by early next week each member will submit 10-12 top choices to the search firm.  The search firm will then compile these lists and will do some serious reference checking and will determine a pool of the most qualified candidates.  The search committee will be meeting on Easter Monday to determine 8-10 candidates, probably 8, to invite for skype interviews.  The committee hopes to hold the skype interviews the following weekend.  The committee will then determine three finalists to bring to campus during the first week of May for interviews.  I would also like to add that in reviewing the applicant pool, almost every discipline within the college is represented, and approximately 95% of the applicants meet the minimum qualifications.  I am therefore cautiously optimistic that we will be able to bring a group of people to bring to campus by May.

The chair then opened the floor to questions.

Professor Abbott:  What will the May visits entail?  Will candidates have the opportunity to talk to faculty? 

AVPAA Malone: We expect interviews to be a whirlwind 1-2 days.  Candidates will have dinner with the search committee and will meet with the search committee and the chairs.  There will also be an open meeting for any interested faculty, as well as individual meetings with selected students, senior leadership, Interim Provost Siegel, HR, and anyone else we can think of really.  If we are fortunate enough, we plan to do this non-stop, bring the first candidate Sunday-Monday, then Tuesday-Wednesday, then Thursday-Friday.  The committee is mindful that if we do not have viable candidates for full interviews before the close of the semester, then we will not have the opportunity again until September because we want a full complement of faculty and students here when candidates come to campus.

Seeing no further questions, the chair thanked AVPAA Malone for updating the CAS faculty. 

IV.  Election for the CAS Distinguished Teaching & Mentoring Awards Committee, one representative, Natural Sciences & Mathematics

The chair then stated that at this time, the body must elect one member for the Distinguished Teaching & Mentoring Awards Committee and this member must be from the Natural Sciences or Mathematics.  Professor Shannon Gerry from Biology and Professor Ed O’Connell from Chemistry have been nominated and are willing to stand.  The chair asked for any additional nominations from the floor.  Seeing none, the chair distributed paper ballots.  

V.  Update from CAS Core Revision Committee, Shannon Harding, Chair, CAS Core Revision Committee

The chair next introduced Professor Shannon Harding, Chair of the CAS Core Revision Committee, to present an update on the committee’s work to date.

Professor Harding: I’d like to begin by introducing my fellow committee members, Beth Boquet, Johanna Garvey, and Dennis Keenan.  I also would like to take a moment to remind you of the committee’s charge (Professor Harding then read from charge as determined by a vote of the CAS faculty at the January 27th meeting). 

We have identified three main issues:

  1. The change in language requirement for students in the School of Engineering
  2. The distribution of courses into various tiers, specifically changes that were made from Spring 2016 to Fall 2016
  3. The incorporation of summer work done by the three committees, WAC, SJ, and IT.

The committee has met five times, and has met with stakeholders from SOE and MLL, with Nancy Dallavalle to discuss making aspects of the Jesuit mission more visual, and with Melissa Quan regarding how service learning might dovetail with SJ. We also reviewed a memo from a concerned faculty member about the name of the SJ component.

We have received and reviewed supporting materials, including the core proposal from 11/28/16, correspondence from SOE and MLL regarding possible courses of study, and information from Nancy Dallavalle and Melissa Quan.  Just to give you a sense, we have been making progress and have come to consensus on several of these issues.  However, this consensus might change as we go through the process, so we decided to present the whole product at a future meeting rather than presenting a proposal in process.  Our goal is to have recommendations to the CAS faculty on the Tuesday before last CAS faculty meeting, and we hope to present at the last CAS meeting and open this up to a vote.  We are hoping that anyone who has concerns can let us know what they are by email or paper, and please know we are working hard in this process.

The chair then opened the floor to questions.  Seeing none, the chair thanked Professor Harding for her presentation.

The chair then announced that Professor Gerry was elected to the Distinguished Teaching and Mentoring Awards Committee. 

VI.  Dean's remarks

The chair then invited Dean Williams to offer his remarks. 

Dean Williams:  Good afternoon, everyone.  I would like to update all of you on some hiring in the college:  Kimberly Gunter will be joining the English department as Director of Core Writing.  In the Mathematics department, Chris Goodrich will be joining us focusing on preparing high school and middle school educators in Bridgeport, he comes to us with a stellar record of publications.  We also have Annemarie Iddins joining the Department of Communications.  She will be teaching global media and media studies in the department. 

An email went out requesting faculty to report significant achievements in scholarship over the last year.  To date, we have only had 38 responses to Brian’s query for newsletter.  If you could share these with us, it helps us with this newsletter and development has also been pushing us for this information.  I am also working on finalizing the annual report so that this is not dumped on a brand-new dean.  I also believe that candidates will want to look at the annual report as they think about leadership in the college going forward.  

I also want to take a moment to mention that there will be a conversation about faculty salaries in the near future.  Please take this seriously, be aware of info from the faculty salary committee, please read the information from the administration carefully.  We all want to avoid the impasse that we had at the end of last year.

I have had the opportunity to spend the last several years in a department with great teachers, but recently I had an opportunity to visit Professor Emily Orlando’s class, and I was just blown away.  All of the CAS faculty are amazing, providing transformative experiences for our students.  Please know that the work you do is valuable and simply know that we have the finest faculty in the county, but I also wanted to give a shout out to Emily for her fine teaching. 

I am still waiting for the final decision on hires for next year.  I have been in talks with Interim Provost Siegel about the budget.  She correctly pointed out that we got information about the budget later than this last year.  I want you all to know that I have every confidence in the faculty on the Dean’s search committee, and I encourage everyone to be deeply involved in the search because without faculty involvement, we can’t guarantee that you’ll get leader that you want.

Dean Williams then opened the floor to questions. 

Professor Bouquet:  Can you give us an update on the presidential search?

Dean Williams:  I don’t have any information at this time. 

VII.  Announcements

The chair then made several announcements. 

Chair Bayne:  At the next CAS meeting, we will be holding elections for CAS secretary and two positions on the A&SPC.  We will also be holding elections for the Merit Review Committee.  Please be on the lookout for calls for nominations for these positions.  A reminder that the CAS awards will be held on April 25, at the usual time.  That same day, there will be a presentation of the Humanities Institute Student Fellows in the Diffley Boardroom.  Finally, the A&SPC will be hosting an official CAS happy hour on May 12, at Local in Fairfield, from 4-6.

The chair then opened the floor to additional announcements.   

Professor Harper-Leathermann:  A reminder that FDEC Day will be on May 3.  This year, we will be holding a teaching showcase, “Learning from Unsung Teachers in our Midst.” Jean Daniele sent out an email yesterday asking for nominations for presenters.  Please look out for it, click on link and nominate colleagues that we can ask to present.

Seeing no other announcements, the chair called for a motion to adjourn.  Professor Davidson MOTIONED, Professor David SECONDED.  The meeting was adjourned at 4:11.

Respectfully submitted,
Margaret McClure
Interim Secretary, College of Arts & Sciences