Dean's Council Meeting

College of Arts and Sciences

October 1, 2008



Present:  E. Boquet, M. Coleman, D. Keenan, M. Kubasik, P. Lane,D. McFadden,

J. Orman, L. Porter, D. Quintiliani, R. Rodrigues, G. Sauer, J. Shanahan, J. Simon,

M. Sourieau, D. Winn


Not Present: N. Dallavalle, J. McCarthy


The meeting convened at 3:30 p.m.



The Dean introduced the newly appointed Assistant Dean, Dawn Quintiliani, to the department chairs. Ms. Quintiliani was previously the Assistant Dean in the Dean of Freshmen's Office at the University and has joined the College in a parallel position to Ms. Susan Peterson.



Approval of Minutes—Dr. John Orman moved to approve the May 6 and September 10, 2008 minutes and Dr. Phil Lane seconded the motion. All were in favor of approval of minutes.


Discussion of future recording of Dean's Council Minutes—Lane asked the Council to consider a more condensed format for recording of the minutes. There was a disagreement with this request, because some found it extremely useful to have detailed records to share with members of his department. The current format of the minutes clearly explains the discussions that are relative to the entire College opposed to a brief outline of the agenda of the College. A suggestion was made to elaborate on minutes during meetings where a great amount of information would be presented opposed to meetings that would be conversational and/or developmental style, which is the intention for the majority of the Dean's Council meetings this year.

It was agreed that elaboration of the minutes will be recorded if the agenda warrants a more in-depth discussion providing the background or rationale of a particular decision. There could be two ways to elaborate on the minutes when necessary—the chairs could request to record more detail at a particular meeting or provide a written summary of what they communicated in the meeting for Ms. Jean Daniele to incorporate into the draft for approval. Minutes will consist of an outline listing key points and decisions or votes unless otherwise requested.


How Do/Can/Should Departments Work

The Dean's Council engaged in a discussion reflecting questions that were provided to them through the reading: Essential Skills for Academic Chairs. They shared exemplars of their experiences.


What is happening in a department that is "working well"?


Working Well


The Generalization was that the departments focus in interesting ways on an orientation around work within the department.



Which of the ideas generated in response to question 1 are the most challenging areas in which to achieve success and/or cooperation?





Discussion of Chair Compensation Plan

The Dean distributed the College of Arts and Sciences Department Chair Compensation Plan for discussion. A collegial selection of chairs process and an appropriate compensation plan within the resources of the College is needed.


It was suggested that departments engage in a work-based conversation about how to meet their goals and that chairs be selected based on their ability to help the department move towards those goals. Chairs' compensations should be connected to specific agreed upon goals within department. Not all department chairs should be compensated equally, because the intensity of their responsibilities varies.


Issues relative to chairs compensation could be presented to faculty through the department chairs in an anticipation of a chairs election and/or a departmental proposal for the current chair or presented to the College faculty as a whole.


The question of the amount of the stipend arose in light of stipends received by DSB chairs. The Dean agreed to submit a request to increase chairs stipends from $4,500 to $7,500 on her 2010 budget request. An increase in chairs' stipends would be relative to reallocation of funds opposed to new funding.


The following revisions were agreed upon and will be included in the College of Arts and Sciences Governance and Department Chair Compensation as a footnote.


Planning Teams for the Remaining Dean's Council Meetings

The topic for the November Dean's Council meeting will be Hiring and Retention: Issues for women, members of diverse/historically under-represented U.S. groups, and international faculty. The planning team for the meeting is Beth Boquet, Robbin Crabtree, Will Johnson, Matthew Kubasik and Renee White.


Formation of Task Forces


These task forces will attempt to meet once a month in addition to working on subsets of projects in between these meeting.



Registration ChangesChairs were informed of the changes that will take place for spring 2009 class registration.


Workflow for Program Assistant Annual Evaluations—Ms. Jean Daniele informed the department chairs that performance appraisals for program assistants will be implemented through a banner workflow process. She shared the following procedure/information:








The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.