Dean's Council Meeting

College of Arts and Sciences

April 5, 2006


Present:  M. Coleman, R. Crabtree, R. DeWitt, J. Escobar, J. Garvey, M. Gogol,

J. Goldfield, D. Greenberg, F. Hannafey, S.J., P. Lane, J. McCarthy, D. McFadden,

E. O'Connell, L. O'Connor, S. Peterson, R. Poincelot, S. Rakowitz, G. Sauer,

K. Schlichting, D. Winn


Not Present:  E. Umansky


The meeting convened at 3:30 p.m.


Introductory Remarks


Pass-around Information The Dean circulated information pertaining to the CCAS Seminar for Department Chairs, sponsored by the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences on July 13-15, 2006 in Chicago, and an Academic Chairpersons Conference hosted by Kansas

State University, February 7-9, 2007.


Approval of Minutes


Dr. Donald Greenberg moved to approve the March 8, 2006 Dean's Council minutes, which was seconded by Dr. Joel Goldfield.  Dr. Jesœs Escobar requested an amendment to the minutes on page four, under the section entitled College Student Awards Ceremony.  All chairs were in favor of approval of the minutes subject to the amendment stated.


Availability of Grade Data to Chairs and Departments


The Dean's Council previously decided to share grade data on a three-semester trial basis, between chairs and individual departments. The group discussed how this data would be used and to what capacity.  Should faculty identities be shared; and, if so, to what extent—across the College, within the department, or by the chair within individual departments?   The Dean decided to consult the Academic Council's Executive Committee, which the Dean eventually did through e-mail.  The Executive Committee asked the Dean to present the Dean's Council's decision at an Academic Council meeting.  The Steering Committee suggested that Dr. Phil Lane represent the Dean's Council.  Dr. John McCarthy motioned to have Lane approach the Committee for a position on

their agenda to share the Council's decision.  This motion was seconded by Dr. Robbin Crabtree.  The motion passed with eight chairs in favor, one not in favor, and two abstentions.


Chairs Retreat


A group of administrators, department chairs, and staff (Drs. Robbin Crabtree, Miriam Gogol, Raymond Poincelot, Glenn Sauer, Kurt Schlichting, and Mrs. Susan Peterson, and Mrs. Benedetta Maguire) accompanied the Dean in a planning session for the upcoming Chairs Retreat scheduled

for Monday and Tuesday, May 22 and 23, 2006.  The first day of the retreat is designed for newly appointed chairs to acclimate them to their newly appointed position, offering them helpful information and resources to make their transition easier.  Day one will be held on-campus at the Alumni House, followed by an off-campus dinner reception.   The venue for day two is the Trumbull Marriott and will include all College chairs. 


The Council discussed several proposals that the group had vetted for consideration.  The Dean noted that he would begin the day with an update on the University Strategic Plan.  All other topics will be approached with the Strategic Plan in mind.   


Gogol stated the importance of focusing on the future of existing majors.  What kind of post baccalaureate life could they have?  What are the departments' focus in relations to the Strategic Plan?  Crabtree mentioned this topic was addressed at the first College Chair's Retreat.  She suggested having this topic represented in the Departmental Annual Reports; this may be a prod

to address these questions and others.  Dr. David McFadden agreed with Gogol; it is important

to look to the future.  McFadden thought the focus should be on how our students could be great citizens, opposed to how they could obtain employment.   Gogol felt that brainstorming about future possibilities would be more beneficial then a statistical reporting through Departmental Annual Reports.


Another issue Gogol found important to address was the tremendous need for World Diversity courses; and with concentration on diversity hiring, this would be one way to develop the diversity curriculum. 


The Dean shared the full list of suggested topics with the Council asking them to narrow the list down to four major topics, including the one suggested by Gogol.  Following discussion, topics

were selected:


Gogol will work on preparing discussion points for the topic related to "the future."


Update on Motion for Merit Process


Drs. Schlichting and Lane shared the outcome of their discussion with Fr. Jeffrey von Arx relative

to the Dean's Council's motion to change the Merit process, which stated the following: 

1.     The Academic Vice President and the Academic Deans no longer participate in the collegial discussions with the Faculty Salary Committee.  The Vice President of Finance should represent the administration. 

2.     Next year the Faculty Salary Committee and the administration should collegially discuss and conclude a three-year Memo of Understanding. 


The new Senior Vice President's position is scripted to coordinate and work with the Faculty Salary Committee, eliminating the Academic Vice President and the Academic Deans' involvement with this process.  The President agreed that the second motion to move to a three-year Memo of Understanding was a good idea.   The Dean also shared these ideas with the President, Academic Vice President, and Deans.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.