College of Arts and Sciences

Dean's Council Meeting

Chairs and Directors

September 8, 2010



Present: S. Bayne, J. Borycka, S. Brill, C. Bucki, M. Carolan, D. Crawford, Nancy Dallavalle, D. Downie, L. Hohl, M. Im, J. Leatherman, M. LeClair, D. Li, J. McCarthy, D. McFadden,

L. O'Connor, M. Patton, G. Rosenfeld, S. Sawin, J. Simon, K. Steffen, B. Torff, B. Walker, J. Weiss, M. Wills

Approval of the Minutes

Dr. Nancy Dallavalle moved to approve the minutes of May 5, 2010, and Dr. Kraig Steffen seconded the motion. The minutes were passed unanimously by department chairs.


On-Campus Meeting Space

á      The Dean informed chairs and directors that the CNS 100 conference room was no longer available as a meeting space. This room is being used as work space for the CAS Dean's Office. Once the Southwell Hall renovations are completed, the Counseling Center located on the lower level of Canisius Hall will be utilized as the Vice President's Conference Room. Other room options for small meeting groups are DMH 230 (book through Michelle Lesko), DMH 330 (book through Joan Huvane or Charlene Wallace), Kelley Center Conference Room (book through Susan Victor), Library Conference Room (book through JoAnn Garrity), or Women Studies (book through Julia-Rose Liptak).

á      Dr. Jim Simon commented that there was no process implemented for space allocation. The Dean shared that the Sr. Academic Vice President showed interest in implementing a space plan, but this has not materialized as of yet. She will continue to share feedback with the

Sr. VP relative to academic space.

á      Some of the science chairs, along with Engineering, and Visual and Performing Arts, are putting together a facilities committee to work with the facilities department relative to planning for construction, sharing the impact and disruptions others are faced with during the process, inclusive of safety, protocol and equipment issues. They communicated that construction during the summer months is disruptive to summer programs and other initiatives. In the science area, summer is as vibrant as any other time of year with student and faculty research collaboration in the labs.


Classroom Issues

á      There were complaints relative to classrooms being locked. The Dean asked chairs and directors to communicate with their faculty that they should utilize the help of their program assistants to resolve these issues, by asking them to contact the Registrar's Office to make sure the classroom is regularly open. Complaints should be directed to the appropriate offices where responsibility resides so as to ensure issues are addressed in a timely manner.

á      The Dean commended the Registrar's Office in their attempt to ensure that there were enough seats to accommodate the enrollment numbers for all classes prior to the start of the semester. Unfortunately, FYE used these classrooms and moved seating configurations for various rooms, as well as moved chairs from room to room affecting the efficient efforts of the Registrar's Office. If faculty are having seating problems, they should inform the Registrar's Office of the days they are teaching and how many chairs they need to accommodate their students. Bob Russo is in charge of classrooms. The Dean mentioned that she should be copied on messages when the person in charge is not responsive to chair requests.


Enrollment Update quick assessment of any new semester issues

á      925 undergraduates, 62% female (SON & DSB factors), all in top 19% of graduating classes.

á      The test optional group had an unusually high yield. This group is based on a highly engaged application process, inclusive of an essay about how they are going to engage at Fairfield, a visit to campus, and an interview.

á      There were currently 1269 graduate students. These enrollments are not final, but if we reach 1272 we will exceed 1970's all time high for graduate enrollment. (NB: the number is now over 1300)


Quick Assessment of New Semester Issues

á      Dr. Bucki asked how we were going to house the increase in student population. The Dean commented that there were some triples and extra space gained from what use to be the Jesuit Residence and is now the Creative Life L&L community.

á      Dr. Walker asked if there was an assessment to determine if students enrolled are prepared for the classes they are coming into. The Dean reiterated that faculty should teach the students enrolled in their classrooms. Students are eligible to be at the University, and as a reflection of top 20% of today's high school graduates. Students are most likely differentially prepared, but it is the job of the faculty to figure out how to educate all students appropriately. Statistics show that in our country, especially in the area of Math and Science, scores and aptitude are falling. We cannot decide that we are going to educate only the best students. We have to educate all the students coming in, so our expectations locally should match the population. It is fine to communicate to students what expectations are and grade them accordingly. Walker asked the Dean if she would be willing to support pedagogical changes in order to address the differences. The Dean will support changes, but they need to be resource sensitive. If we care about maintaining students in certain majors, we should devise strategies for cultivating in ways similar to the peer learning groups offered in Biology, which were designed to help students succeed through their early course of study within the major.

á      Dr. Downie shared that, in his previous job, the idea of a math boot camp was implemented, where students came early in the summer to engage in this program. Student fees could be used to pay faculty for their assistance. The Dean is not opposed to this type of initiative, if there are interested faculty members. These should be local department conversations and then any initiatives that are found to be potentially viable should come forward through the budget process.






Supervising Office Staff and Other Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees

Chairs and Program Directors should participate together in the reviews of staff. A few changes have been implemented relative to annual reviews. The annual review process for non-exempt (hourly employees) is completely on-line through a workflow process. Instead of annual reviews being on the anniversary of the hire, there will be one annual cycle with all annual reviews occurring over the summer and any salary increases taking place as of September 1. The designated supervisor (chair) for each assistant will receive a prompt from Human Resources by July. Dr. Elizabeth Hohl suggested that the prompt be sent in May, rather than July. It is a more efficient time for supervisors to reach out for feedback, as some faculty may not be easily accessible later into the summer. Ms. Daniele will communicate this to Human Resources.


Employee Assessment Process

o      1 and 2—Does not meet expectations.

o      3 and 4—Meets expectations (most items for most folks would be in here)

o      5 and 6—Exceeds expectations.

any ideas from Chairs and Directors, they should forward their recommendations to

Ms. Daniele at


Exempt Employees


Part-Time Faculty Issues

Every year we engage in an elaborate process for the College's pre-tenured faculty, but yet the College does not engage in classroom visits for visiting instructors or part-time faculty, who have taught at the University for many years.


The Dean reviewed points made in her memo concerning improving our practices based on good principles, outlining current policies, and previewing policies that are being developed. The memo sent out originally on April 17 was designed to give a heads up to the process and to support the efforts locally to ensure the highest quality of instruction is going on within each department. Part-time faculty are a large proportion of faculty, at the University, and we could not deliver the academic program without them. She asked that chairs and directors to read this memo again prior to the September 8 Dean's Council meeting and share any of their ideas and/or issues.


The following were some points discussed relative to Part-time Faculty:


Heads up and Announcements


Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.