CAS Dean’s Council Meeting

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Approved Minutes



Dr. Peter Bayers, Director of American Studies

Dr. Angela Biselli, Chair of the Department of Physics

Ms. Jean Daniele, Manager of CAS Operations

Dr. Richard Greenwald, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Terry Ann Jones, Director of International Studies

Dr. Dennis Keenan, Professor of Philosophy, On behalf of the Chair of the Philosophy Department

Ms. Andrea Martinez, CAS Assistant Dean

Dr. David McFadden, Chair of the Department of History and Director of Russian, E. European and Central Asian Studies.

Dr. Eric Mielants, Chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Dr. Irene Mulvey, Chair of the Department of Mathematics

Dr. Elizabeth Petrino, CAS Associate Dean

Dr. Shelley Phelan, Chair of the Department of Biology and Director of the School of Natural & Behavioral Sciences

Dr. Judy Primavera, Chair of the Department of Psychology

Dr. Glenn Sauer, CAS Associate Dean

Dr. Kathy Schwab, Director of the School of Communication, Media and the Arts on behalf of the Chair of Visual and Performing Arts

Dr. Gary Weddle, Chair of the Department of Chemistry

Dr. Jiwei Xiao, Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Dr. Tommy Xie, Chair of the Department of English

Dr. Qin Zhang, Chair of the Department Communication



Dr. Janie Leatherman, Chair of Department of Politics

Dr. Laura Nash, Chair of the Department of Visual & Performing Arts & Co-Director of the Honors Program


Approval of September 20, 2017 Minutes

Dr.  Eric Mielants moved to approve the September 20 minutes with a second motion from

Dr. Tommy Xie. All were in favor of the minutes.


New Program Development and Curricular Innovation

The Dean is interested in creating new programs and/or curricular innovations that support the College of Arts and Sciences. Chairs were asked to talk to their colleagues to discuss ways to move the existing curriculum forward and to discuss potential ideas for new programs within their discipline.  Also departments should think about interdisciplinary programs and areas where there would be collaboration between majors, minors, graduate programs, and even other schools.

The Dean will ask for faculty nominations to serve on a task force to evaluate curricular proposals for program innovation. Proposals around certificate programs, new minors, new majors, new masters, developing a track in a program, etc. are all welcomed ideas.

The Dean will create a Call for Proposals with more detailed information, including information relative to stipends for faculty involvement. The number of accepted proposals would be based on the resources available.

The goal of this initiative is to grow programs to increase the footprint and outreach of the College.

Dean’s Seminar on Higher Education

·      The Dean is interested in engaging in discussions as a community around some of the larger ideas on Higher Education. 

·      This initiative will pilot this coming spring, with the hopes to discuss a few key topics in an informal session.  A copy of the reading materials will be supplied by the Dean prior to each seminar.

·      An announcement/invitation will be sent to the College Faculty.


New University Programs and CAS Impact


Discussion on Line Request Template


Program Review Cycle – Preliminary Schedule

Dr. Glenn Sauer shared a draft proposal for program review cycle.  Fall 2017 departments/programs listed are under the review process for this year.  If a scheduled date listed is not convenient for a department, the chair should reach out to the Dean’s Office for a discussion.


The Dean will work with each department to choose appropriate external reviewers, which is critical to a successful review.  The reviewers need to understand what type of institution we are, understand the teaching responsibilities, committee service, and needs for lab space for sciences.  A good strategy is to choose one peer institution and one aspirational institution.  We want to continue offering high quality, high impact education to our students, so this is a way for external reviewers to verify we are meeting our goals. Reviews unfold over an 18 – 24 month period, and the ultimate goal is to have each department and interdisciplinary program engage in a review prior to the next NEASC visit.


The program review process is a departmental initiative that should be shared collectively among all colleagues in the department.




NEASC Update —The NEASC Team commented on the following points.


Distribution of Department Minutes

Departments are required to submit their department minutes to the Dean and the Provost


Attendance at Dean’s Council Meetings for School Directors & Other Guests

There was a request from the Chair of Economics to continue to attend the Dean’s Council meetings, since their department currently offers a major in the College. The Economics Chair would not have voting privileges, but would attend as a guest.  A motion was recommended to invite Economics to attend the DC meetings for the year.  All chairs were in favor.


Directors of the CAS Schools, as well as interdisciplinary program directors will be invited to attend Dean’s Council meetings as a guest depending on the scheduled agenda.


Event and Guest Speaker Announcements


Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.