Application For An Individually Designed Major
Please read the requirements and application directions before preparing this form.

1.    Name:__________________________________________________ Year of graduation: ____________

Student ID number:                                                                       ___    Latest GPA:                                      

Student e-mail address:                                                                                                                     ________

Advisor 1:                                                                     Advisor 2:                                                                      

Title of proposed major:                                                                                                                           

                                                                                                          B.A. or B.S.:                                    

3.    Proposed course of study:
On a separate sheet list:

the required courses that you feel are essential and must be taken for your proposed major;
b.)   a longer list of courses from among which you may choose electives to complete the remainder of your proposed major.
Indicate which of these courses you have already taken.

4.    Rationale for the proposed major:
On a separate sheet explain:

a.)   the learning outcomes of your proposed course of study (what you expect to accomplish through your proposed major in terms of knowledge, skills and values)

b.)   the significance of your proposed major, why it justifies one-fourth or more of your college education;

c.)   why the goals of your proposed major cannot be met by an existing major or combination of an existing major and minor.

5.    Rationale for the proposed course of study:
On a separate sheet explain how you expect the individual courses listed in your proposed course of study to contribute to the goals of your proposed major as described in the previous section.

6.    Signed:
Student:                                                                                     Date:                                   

Advisor 1:                                                                                 Date:                                   

Advisor 2:                                                                                 Date:                                   

Approved by the review panel:
Associate Dean:                                                                      Date:                                   


a.     If there are more than two advisors, their names and signatures should be included on a separate sheet.

b.     If an initial application is returned to the student for changes, these changes should be incorporated in a fresh application.

c.     A copy of the approved application will be returned to the student for inclusion in his or her self-assessment portfolio.

d.     Any changes to an approved application must be approved in writing by the Individually Designed Major Committee, with one copy returned to the student and a second attached to the original application.

The Individually Designed Major
The Individually Designed Major allows qualified students in the College of Arts and Sciences, under appropriate direction, to design and pursue an interdisciplinary major presently not available in the College.
The Individually Designed Major is what its name implies, a major designed by a student.  The major must be a true major, with a progression of courses, including an appropriate number of advanced courses.  It cannot be a simple collection of introductory courses in several disciplines.  The major may be an extension of a presently existing interdisciplinary minor, or it may be a wholly new subject (e.g. Environmental Planning and Sustainability).  Courses already taken may be included in the major, but the Individually Designed Major should be, as a whole, a planned endeavor, not simply the pulling together of courses already taken. 
1.     The major requires a minimum of ten courses.

The major must be truly interdisciplinary.  While there may be a primary department, at least four courses must be taken outside that department.

The major requires a suitable number of advanced courses.

The major also requires a senior project (seminar, capstone course, supervised lab, or whatever is appropriate for the relevant disciplines).  The purpose of this project is to allow you to pull together the multiple threads of your interdisciplinary major.

5.     Finally, the major requires you to maintain a portfolio for the purpose of a reflective review and self-assessment of the progress and changes in direction, if any, of the major.  You will use these materials as part of progress review with your advisors at least once a semester.  You must also submit a final assessment of the major to the review panel as a requirement for graduation.
To be eligible, you must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 at the time of application.
Application must be made no later than the second semester of your second year.  The application is to be made early enough for the application process to be completed before pre-registration for the fall semester. 
1.     Obtain an application from the office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

2.     Choose at least two faculty advisors, preferably from two different departments, who will work with the student in developing the proposed course of study.  If the proposed major is an extension of a current interdisciplinary minor, the minor programÕs director must also review the course of study.
3.     In consultation with your faculty advisors complete and sign the application.
4.     Submit your application to the office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
What Happens Next?
An Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences will receive your application and schedule a meeting of the Individually Designed Major Committee to review your application.  The Individually Designed Major Committee will accept, accept with required changes, or reject the application.  Once the Individually Designed Major Committee has accepted your application, your advisors and the Individually Designed Major Committee must approve any subsequent changes in the content of the major.
Further Responsibilities:
In addition to the following the course of study set forth in your application the following responsibilities are required:
1.     You must maintain a portfolio for the purpose of review and self-assessment.

You must meet with your advisors each semester to review your portfolio and decide on modifications, if needed, in your proposed course of study.  The Individually Designed Major Committee must also approve any changes.
3.     You must submit a final assessment of your major to the Individually Designed Major Committee as a requirement for graduation.
