Fairfield University College of Arts & Sciences
Mission Statement

(adopted 1 May 2014)

The College of Arts and Sciences is the academic foundation of Fairfield University. It serves its students, faculty, and staff,  as well as the University’s other schools and the  larger community, through teaching, research, and service in the Jesuit tradition.  In classrooms, studios and laboratories, on campus and around the globe, our faculty and students work together, calling on the vital intellectual values of analysis, reflection, discernment and imagination to understand the past, engage our present and shape our personal and collective futures.
The College challenges students to learn and grow, personally and professionally, through departmental and interdisciplinary majors and minors, as well as graduate and continuing education programs. It provides an integrative immersion in the liberal arts through the breadth and depth of the Core Curriculum and its cross-disciplinary Core Pathways. It sponsors a host of academic and cultural activities that connect the University to the broader world and promote life-long learning. In all its endeavors, the College encourages openness to difference and a willingness to view the world from diverse perspectives.
As a community of scholars, the College engages in innovative research and professional activities in a spirit of collaboration across disciplines, in order to advance knowledge and solve real-world problems. It fosters and mentors student research to support the next generation of informed and articulate scholars, thinkers, and public intellectuals. College faculty lead national and global academic communities and demonstrate their commitment to the public good through scholarship and creative work.

As a community of educated citizens, the College responds to the Jesuit call to be  women and men for others by seeking to instill in its students a habit of service and a life-long commitment to social justice in their personal and professional lives.
We undertake this journey together -- exploring the complexities of the human condition, experiencing the wonders of artistic creation, investigating the intricacies of the universe, and reflecting on the mysteries of the sacred -- so that we may all do our part to promote a just and peaceful world.  In all that we do, the College of Arts and Sciences affirms the enduring importance of a liberal arts education in the Jesuit tradition.

Mission Statement Working Group

Mike Andreychik (Psychology)
Jocelyn Boryczka (Politics)
Javier Campos (Modern Languages)
Robbin Crabtree (CAS Dean)
Dave Crawford (Sociology & Anthropology, ASPC)
Rick DeWitt (Philosophy)
Cindi Gannett (English)
Gisela Gil-Egui (Communication)
Manyul Im (Philosophy/ Associate Dean, ASPC)
Scott Lacy (Sociology & Anthropology/secretary, CAS faculty)
Paul Lakeland (Religious Studies)
Laura McSweeney (Math)
Kathy Nantz (Economics)
Sally O’Driscoll (English/chair, CAS faculty)
Aaron Perkus (Associate Dean, ASPC)
Gavriel Rosenfeld (History)
Jim Simon (Associate Dean, ASPC)
Kraig Steffen (Chemistry)
Vin Rosivach (Classical Studies)
Dave Winn (Physics)

Strategic Goals

Approved by CAS Faculty on 24 October 2019

Achieve High Standards of Distinction in Teaching and Learning: Provide a student-centered arts and sciences experience led by a distinguished and engaged faculty and staff.

o   Strengthen an international reputation for teaching and student accomplishment through a commitment to academic rigor and high-impact learning practices across the disciplines, informed by the scholarly and creative achievements of faculty.

o   Implement the new Magis core curriculum to ensure a shared academic experience for all students that realizes the College’s commitment to the liberal arts, interdisciplinary study, writing across the curriculum, and social justice.

o   Promote and cultivate the self-awareness, confidence, talents, and core career competencies of students approaching post-graduate study and employment.


Support Faculty Research and Creative Accomplishments: Foster knowledge creation and scholarly discourse that advances human understanding and engages in the world’s social urgencies.


Pursue Truth, Inclusive Excellence and Social Justice: Rooted in the Jesuit tradition, provide an education that forms, informs and transforms students into men and women for others.


Sustain and Enhance the College’s Resources: In all that we do, the College of Arts and Sciences affirms the enduring importance of a liberal arts education in the Jesuit tradition.

o   Navigate the environment of higher education to uphold the centrality of the arts and sciences in the lives of liberally educated persons.

o   Manage the College’s human, financial, and natural resources to ensure an education of distinction for all students.

o   Safeguard the non-human and built environments that support the University communities of research, teaching, and service.

o   Create innovative academic programs for the formation of future generations of students.