1. The Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee met six times during the academic year 2006-7.

2. The Committee’s work for the year:

a. The Committee consider thirty-two new course proposals and approved thirty-one, some with requests for clarifications and/or modifications.  One course was sent back to the proposer for revision and was not resubmitted.

b. The Committee reviewed the proposed MFA in Creative Writing proposal and sent it back to the proposers with a request for substantial revision.

c. The Committee approved a proposal for major changes in the requirements for major and minor in the Theatre Arts program.

d. The Committee advised the Dean on the granting of Dean’s approval to a new Photography I course  (this was an emergency situation caused by the need to switch technologies immediately in the interests of fire safety).

e. The Committee voted to recommend to the College Faculty that a statement on academic honesty be included in the new course proposal form.  This recommendation was soundly ejected by the College Faculty.

f. The Committee reaffirmed the policy on special topics originally approved in May 2002, and forwarded it to the College Faculty, which also approved it.  The policy will be included on the Curriculum Policies page of the College of Arts and Sciences faculty web page.

g. The Committee created a subcommittee to recommend a policy on the cross-listing of courses.  The subcommittee’s work is still in progress.

h. The Committee created a subcommittee to recommend whether or not there should be a policy on approving changes in credit for individual courses, and if so, what that policy should be.  The subcommittee’s work is still in progress.

i. The Committee began discussions its role in dealing with service learning courses.  These discussions will be continued in the coming year.

j. The Committee agreed in principal that faculty should be compensated in some way for time spent supervising internships, independent studies, etc., and that there should be broader, College-wide discussion of this issue, which the Committee will seek to facilitate in the coming year.  There was a general consensus that compensation should be in the form of released time, and that plans will necessarily vary from department from department, but that there should also be some general, College-wide principles and guidelines.  

k. In the context of item j. the Committee considered a plan proposed by the Psychology department and agreed that it would be premature to take action on the plan at this point before the principles and guidelines envisaged above were approved by the College faculty.  

m. On the matter of changes in requirements for majors and minors, present procedure is for the department to notify the Committee’s chair, who decides whether the changes are major enough to require review by the full committee, and so informs the department and the Committee.  The Committee felt that there was no need to change this procedure.

Respectfully submitted,
Vincent J. Rosivach
chair, 2006-7