ANNUAL REPORT, 2007-2008




The A&SCC met eight times during the academic year: 9/25/07, 10/15/07, 11/13/07, 12/11/07, 2/12/08, 3/18/08, 4/08/08, and 4/29/08.


Committee Membership


The members of the committee were (with number of meetings attended in parentheses): Steven Bayne (Chair) (8), Assoc. Dean Beth Boquet (ex officio) (1), Sara Brill (8), Ron Davidson (6), Jessica Davis (8), Freddy Maldonado (Spring '08) (4), Shannon Harding (8), Olivia Harriott (6), Danke Li (6), Laura McSweeney (8), Dean Ray Poincelot (ex officio) (6), Jim Shanahan (Spring '08) (4), Joan Weiss (8), and Maggie Wills (Fall '07) (4).


New Course Proposals:


This year the A&SCC considered and approved forty-two new course proposals.


New Program Proposals:


This year the A&SCC approved two new graduate programs—an MFA in Creative Writing and an on campus MA in Communication as well as one new undergraduate program—a BS in Biochemistry.


Program Revisions:


In the fall we approved a major revision of the International Studies curriculum and in spring we approved a proposal for the revision of the Program in Environmental Studies—as part of this proposal we approved the elimination of the Program in Environmental Science and the Program in Marine Science.


Five Year Reviews:


As a result of the five year review of the Independently Designed Major we recommended permanent approval of the Independently Designed Major.


Graduate Courses in the College of Arts and Sciences:


We worked with the Program in Graduate American Studies and the Department of Mathematics to make sure that graduate courses offered in the college are brought into compliance with the Journal of Record's routing procedure for the approval of new courses. Graduate courses in Mathematics and American Studies had not followed the JoR's routing procedure in the past. The Math Department has now completed the process of submitting new course proposals and all of these were approved by the A&SCC. Graduate American Studies completed their review of their courses and submitted their report to the chair of A&SCC, but the report was submitted too late for consideration this year—it will be on the agenda for the first meeting next year.


Graduate routing procedure in the JoR:


The A&SCC made a recommendation to the Academic Council for correcting a problem with the Journal of Record's routing procedure for new graduate programs (the recommendation was approved by the AC).


Teaching Compensation for Faculty Supervision of Independent Studies and Internships:


The A&SCC formed a subcommittee on Teaching Compensation for Faculty Supervision of Independent Studies and Internships. The charge of the subcommittee is to formulate a proposal for a college wide plan on how Arts and Sciences faculty should be compensated for the supervision of independent studies and internships and present this plan to the full A&SCC. The A&SCC will discuss the subcommittee's proposal and will subsequently make a recommendation to the Dean for a college wide policy.

The subcommittee is composed of Associate Dean Beth Boquet, Diane Brousseau, Linda Henkel, Steven Bayne, and David Sapp.

The subcommittee's proposal is to be presented to the full A&SCC no later than October 14, 2008.


Items Pending before the Committee:


Due Sept, 2008: Consideration of report from Graduate American Studies concerning Grand-fathered Master's courses.

Due October 14, 2008: Report from Subcommittee on Teaching Compensation for Faculty Supervision of Independent Studies and Internships.

Due by May 2008: Certificate in Financial Mathematics new program proposal.

Due Fall 2009: Major in New Media Film, Television, and Radio five year review.

Due May 2011: Irish Studies five year review.

Due May 2011: Catholic Studies five year review.

Due May 2011: Master of Arts in Communication Corporate Cohort Program five year review.

Due May 2013: MFA in Creative Writing five year review.

Due May 2013: BS in Biochemistry five year review.

Due May 2013: On campus MA in Communication five year review.

4/4 student, 3/2 teaching load (tabled September 2005; no due date).

Report of the subcommittee on cross-listing.


Respectfully by,

Steven M. Bayne

Chair, 2007-2008