Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee meeting

                                                             February 13, 2007


                                                             Approved Minutes


Committee members attending: Steve Bayne, Peter Bayers, Johanna Garvey, Olivia Harriott, Ray Poincelot, Vin Rosivach (Chair), Ron Salafia, Joan Weiss


The meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m.

1.     Approval of the minutes of the meeting of December 5, 2006.

A.    Joan Weiss moved to approve the minutes.

B.    Olivia Harriott seconded.

C.    The minutes were unanimously approved.


2.     New course proposals:

A.    AH 113: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt:  Images for Eternity

1)    Joan Weiss moved to approve the course proposal and Peter Bayers seconded.

2)    Vin noted that the course had already been approved and taught as a Saturday course.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

B.    AH 221: The Arts of Ireland and the British Isles, 500-1000

1)    Olivia Harriott moved to approve the course proposal and Joan Weiss seconded.

2)    Vin noted that the proposal was to include a letter of support from Catholic Studies, but the letter has not been forwarded to him.  None the less he thought the missing letter is not necessary for our approval.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

C.    AY 210: International Research Practicum

1)    Ron Salafia moved to approve the course proposal and Olivia Harriott seconded.

2)    Discussion:

Peter noted that the department meeting minutes do not indicated whether there was a vote in the department to approve the course.

Vin said we can make approval dependent on confirmation that the department did vote to approve the course.

Joan noted that there must be some prerequisites for 200 level courses, but this course is listed as having no prerequisites.

Vin said that the course either must be down numbered or it must be given a prerequisite.

Ron wondered whether there were enough concerns to table the discussion of the proposal, but Vin said when he gets back to the department, he could make sure they make the appropriate revisions.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved pending clarification of the course number and departmental approval.

D.    BI 71: Identity and the Human Genome

1)    Joan Weiss moved to approve the course proposal and Ron Salafia seconded.

2)    Discussion:

Vin noted that since this course will not be replacing another course and the proposal doesn't make clear how it will be accommodated within the department's existing schedule of courses, he raised the issue with Phyllis Braun (Chair of Biology).  She said that Olivia Harriot will have to rotate between teaching this class and labs, but that she expects new hires to teach labs and as a result Olivia will have more time to teach this new course.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

E.    BI 76/CH 76: Environmental Science

1)    Ron Salafia moved to approve the course proposal and Peter Bayers seconded.

2)    Discussion: Vin reminded us that we got Biology's proposal with our packet of proposals and Chemistry's arrived over the weekend, but he saw no reason this should hold up the proposal.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

F.    BI 313: Comparative Physiology

1)    Olivia Harriot moved to approve the course proposal and Peter Bayers seconded.

2)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

G.    EN 274: American Literature and the Environment

1)    Ron Salafia moved to approve the course proposal and Olivia Harriot seconded.

2)    Discussion: Vin said it was nitpicking, but the proposal makes clear how the English department schedule will be affected when Peter Bayers teaches this course (the number of times he teaches EN 271 will be reduced from twice to once a year), but it does not make clear how the schedule will be affected when Elizabeth Petrino teaches this course.  Vin said he would make sure the English department makes the appropriate revisions.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved pending clarification of the place of the course in Prof. Petrino's scedule.

H.    IL 297: United Nations Security Council Crisis Simulation

1)    Ron Salafia moved to approve the course proposal and Peter Bayers seconded.

2)    Discussion:

Vin noted that again with this course proposal there is a problem with the numbering—although the course is listed as a 200 level course, there are no prerequisites listed.  He said he will make sure the department makes the appropriate revisions.

Joan said she did not see the Politics course number for the cross listed course, but Vin thought that it was the Politics department's responsibility for assigning a number and we did not need to worry about that.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved pending clarification of the course's number.

I.     PH 275: Bergson

1)    Steve Bayne moved to approve the course proposal and Olivia Harriot seconded.

2)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

J.     PO 290: Special Topics in Politics

1)    Joan Weiss moved to approve the course proposal and Ron Salafia seconded.

2)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

K.    PO 390: Politics Seminar

1)    Joan Weiss moved to approve the course proposal and Ron Salafia seconded.

2)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

L.    RS 255: Second Temple Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls

1)    Ron Salafia moved to approve the course proposal and Peter Bayers seconded.

2)    Discussion:

The electronic copy did not have answers to questions 9-11, but Vin had received them from Frank Hannafey (Chair of Religious Studies) and he read them aloud to the committee.

Vin noted, however, that it is still not made explicit who will teach the course and how this will affect the Religious Studies department's schedule, but it looks like Angela Harkins (the course proposer) is a new hire and she will be the one teaching the course.  Vin said he will make sure that the department makes this clear.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved pending clarification that the department can add this course because of a new hire.

M.   TA 121: American Women Playwrights

1)    Ron Salafia moved to approve the course proposal and Olivia Harriot seconded.

2)    Discussion:

The department minutes included with the proposal were the excerpt for AH 221 rather than TA 121.

Vin had received the correct excerpt from the department minutes and read them aloud to the committee.

Peter noted that it is stated in the proposal that the course would be cross listed with the English department, but that the English department had not discussed this.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

N.    CH 375:

1)    Ron Salafia moved to approve the course proposal and Olivia Harriot seconded.

2)    Discussion: Vin noted that this is simply Chemistry's cross listing of BI 375, which was approved by the committee last semester.

3)    The course proposal was unanimously approved.

O.    Vin noted that the new course proposal form lays out what a department is supposed to do when considering and proposing a new course, but some of the items in procedure step 3, especially item d., as reflected in their minutes, are sometimes not discussed by the departments.  Somewhere along the line we need to remind departments to make sure they specifically discuss these items when considering new courses.

That said, he also thought we should thank our colleagues for doing so well with these proposals.

3.     Report of the subcommittee on the cross listing of courses—Peter Bayers and Ron Salafia reporting. (Note: the order of discussion has been reordered from the distributed agenda)

A.    Ron Salafia said that the the subcommittee deliberated three questions and that the answers fell out pretty easily.

Question 1:  Whether or not A&SCC should have any role in the cross listing of courses?

NO. The department knows its business best.  If the course is okayed as a course by A&SCC, we've already done our job.

Question 2:  Whether or not cross-listed courses can "double-count" toward core?

NO. This would be detrimental to the whole purpose of the core. This needs to be stated in The Journal of Record.

Question 3:   Should the A&SCC have any regular oversight over courses that are assigned to a given minor that is offered outside of a specific department (such as the Program in Environment, [formerly Environmental Studies])

NO. The advisory faculty of a given minor knows best whether a course belongs in that minor.  However, courses must be reviewed by this advisory committee. While the faculty ultimately has control over the curriculum, the Dean is responsible for making sure that a given course has been reviewed by the committee.  

If there are any problematic curricular issues pertaining to the minor, the Dean or faculty member can address this problem through the A&SCC.

B.    Discussion: Three main issues arose during the discussion of the report:

1)    The need to be clear about the definition of  cross listing.

2)    The rules that need to be followed with cross listing.  The problem with the committee's answer to question one is that when a course is cross listed, then it is given a new number in the catalog.  This means that a new course is being created and new courses need to be brought to the committee for approval.

3)    There was general agreement with the committee's responses to questions two and three.

With regard to question two, however, this raised a further question concerning the appropriate language that should be proposed for the journal of record.

C.    Resolutions: Three main resolutions were agreed on:

1)    Our subcommittee is charged with revisiting the definition of and the rules for cross listing.

2)    Our subcommittee is charged with coming up with proposed language for the journal of record.

3)    We no longer need to pursue any further consideration of question three.

4.     New courses to be taught by faculty yet to be hired.

A.    The concern is over our committee's proposed policy on Special Topics courses (Dated May 7, 2002).  That proposal was originally drafted by Jim Simon, Vin Rosivach, and David Wolfsdorf.  More specifically the concern is over the first paragraph of that document.  The paragraph reads:

"The A&S dean and your A&S Curriculum Committee have spent the last year discussing alternatives to the traditional "dean's approval" for courses being taught for the first time. There may be merit in such courses for newly hired professors whose specialty course is not listed in the current catalog. But the dean and curriculum committee feel the dean should not be approving courses if the courses have not first been approved by the affected department."

B.    The question is whether this paragraph should be understood to require that newly hired faculty can only teach a new course that is not listed in the current catalog if it is taught as a Special Topics course?  In other words, should this paragraph be understood to eliminate the dean's authority to allow a newly hired faculty member to teach a course that is not listed in the current catalog with the proviso that the course has first been reviewed by the department?

C.    Discussion:

1)    Vin told us that while he believes the paragraph should be understood to continue to allow for the option of deans approval for new courses proposed by newly hired faculty, Jim Simon believes that the policy as a whole eliminates dean's approval as an option.

2)    Ray Poincelot told us that Tim Snyder thinks that Vin's interpretation is the correct one.

3)    After some further discussion everyone agreed that we want to continue to allow for the option of dean's approval for one time new course offerings by newly hired faculty.

4)    Vin said he will rewrite the first paragraph of the Special Topics Courses proposal and we will discuss the new language at the next meeting.

5.     Vin noted that at the next meeting we will have continued discussion about service learning.

6.     Ron Salafia moved to adjourn and Peter Bayers seconded.  The motion was approved unanimously.

7.     Meeting adjourned at 4:35


Respectfully submitted by,


Steven M. Bayne