Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee

Meeting of March 18, 2008



Present:  Professors Steve Bayne (Chair), Sara Brill, Jessica Davis, Ron Davidson, Shannon Harding, Olivia Harriott, Laura McSweeney, F. Cesar Maldonado, Jim Shanahan, Joan Weiss; Dean Ray Poincelot,  Guest: Assistant Dean Beth Boquet.


The meeting was called to order at 3:32pm.

  1. Announcements .

Professor Bayne announced that the next ASCC meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2008 at 3:30 PM in CNS 100. Agenda items to date include the discussion of graduate courses in American Studies and (perhaps) Math.  If necessary, we will have an additional meeting in May, which will be difficult to schedule during final exam period.  Professor Bayne suggested that we could meet on the same day as the scheduled UCC meeting (May 6th).


  1. Approval of minutes of February 12, 2008.

Professor Shanahan pointed out minor typos in the minutes. Professor Brill made a motion to approve the amended minutes; the motion was seconded by Professor Harding.  With the changes, the minutes were unanimously approved.


  1. Individually Designed Major: Five Year Review (Beth Boquet, invited guest)

Assistant Dean Beth Boquet joined the meeting to discuss the Individually Designed Major. Dean Boquet provided the committee with some background, explaining that this was her first year overseeing the program and that she is working together with Professors Joan Weiss, Jim Biardi, and Lisa Newton.  Dean Boquet then began walking the committee through the proposal provided. Dean Boquet explained that, to date, 27 students have gone through major. One of the real advantages to this major is that it gives students more autonomy and allows them to take initiatives, in line with the goals of the Strategic Plan.  The committee has worked with Anne Stehney and the Office of Alumni Relations to gather feedback from advisor and student experiences (although only one former student has responded). Dean Boquet explained that Advisor responses have been consistent; for example, advisors appreciate the close contact with students, and the opportunity to help them determine their educational goal, including incorporating study abroad and research into their experiences.  On the whole, students selecting this major tend to be high-achieving individuals seeking enrichment.  In terms of impact, Dean Boquet explained that although the program is quite small, it has had a significant impact on the students participating in it.  Overall, the students seem to be engaged and committed to the program.  The program has no resources; a fact that can perhaps be taken up with the Budget committee or the Subcommittee on teaching compensation.  Dean Boquet also expressed some concern that the major can be somewhat "isolating", and that perhaps in the future, steps can be taken to bring students in the program together. Dean Boquet shared with the committee the guidelines for the portfolio which were developed by the committee.  Professor Bayne asked about the State of Connecticut approval process, which initially allowed the program to run as a 3-year pilot.  Deans Poincelot and Boquet said that the state approval had been extended.  Professor Bayne suggested changing the "Suggested Guidelines" section to "Guidelines" to make the portfolio more specific.  Dean Boquet explained that while making a portfolio was an expectation of the major, the actual contents of the portfolio may vary considerably based on the individual experiences of the student.  Professor Bayne raised the question of whether students could fulfill the requirements of the Independently Designed Major along with another major. Dean Boquet suggested that this major should be treated as any other major, allowing students to double major if they so choose. Dean Poincelot agreed, and said that opposition might only arise when students were trying to include this major as a third major.  It was also suggested that the ASCC might have to look into double counting to prevent this from happening.  Dean Boquet further suggested that some of the steps that the committee has worked on may discourage too many people from taking it on (example: meeting with committee).  Dean Boquet also offered a snapshot of the program now, which currently has 4 majors: of these 3 have IDMJ as their ONLY major; 1 student has it as a second major; and there are no triple majors.  It was explained that IDMJ's tend to be students committed to their interdisciplinary minors.  Professor Bayne and the committee thanked Dean Boquet for her presentation, and Dean Boquet left the room.


Motion: Professor Davidson moved to approve, seconded by Professor Brill.

The Independently Designed Major was approved unanimously.


4.     Graduate Mathematics New Course Proposals

The committee discussed two new course proposals submitted by the Graduate Program in Mathematics.

a.     MA531: Applied Mathematics I

Motion: Professor Laura McSweeney made a motion to approve the course, seconded by Professor Sara Brill.   Professor Shanahan agreed to send the list of typos (including some found in the catalog description) to Professor Bayne.

The course was unanimously approved.


b.     MA532: Applied Mathematics II

Motion: Professor Shannahan made a motion to approve the course, seconded by Professor Davis.

The course was unanimously approved.


Professor Bayne said that the committee should expect 4 more course proposals in math, including a Capstone course.


5.      Election of Subcommittee on Teaching Compensation for Faculty Supervision of Independent Studies and Internships.

Professor Bayne shared the names of the individuals who had been nominated to serve on the subcommittee.  Professor Harding asked to remove from the ballot, since the Psychology Department already had representation with another candidate (Professor Linda Henkel).  It was suggested that Professor Jessica Davis add her name to the ballot.  Professor Davidson asked for clarification about the role of Dean Boquet on the committee. With the proposed guidelines, Dean Boquet would be a voting member of the subcommittee, which will only be reporting back to the ASCC.  Two ballots were distributed to members of the committee: one was alphabetical, and a second ensured roughly equal representation across different areas of the core.  After some discussion, the committee agreed to use the second ballot.  Professor Bayne then shared with the group each candidate's reasons for wanting to serve on the subcommittee.   A vote was then held, and Professor Shanahan tallied the results.


Results: The following people were elected to the subcommittee:  Professors Jessica Davis, Linda Henkel, Steve Bayne, and David Sapp.


  1. Reconsideration of motion to require multiple hard copies of new course    


Professor Bayne asked the committee to revisit the motion requiring people to submit multiple hard copies of the new course proposals.   Professor Bayne explained that in previous years, the Chair made all of the copies.  Potential problems included the following: (1) We don't know the number on the committee year after year, which will result in a waste of paper.  (2) Members of committee will get information later with hard copies. (3) This seems to be more work for the chair of the committee: sorting through applications, separating them, sending them off etc.  In short, the amount of work required may discourage people from running for the Chair position.  Professor McSweeney suggested that the initial email from the ASCC Chair could specify the number of copies required in a given year to prevent waste.  Professor Weiss agreed, and explained that the person proposing the course should spend the time and money to printing the necessary forms.  There was a lengthy discussion about the benefits of receiving the forms in hard copy vs. the benefits of having them available online.  There was also discussion about posting things on the faculty server, and providing members of the committee with hard copies as well. This raises some security issues. In the end, the motion was not overturned.


The meeting adjourned at 4:35.


Respectfully submitted, 

Shannon Harding