Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee

Minutes of the Meeting of 4-29-08


Present: Professors Steve Bayne (Chair), Sara Brill, Jessica Davis, Ron Davidson, Shannon Harding, Danke Li, Laura McSweeney, F. Cesar Maldonado, S.J., Jim Shanahan, Joan Weiss.


The meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m.


1.         Announcements.


The Chair indicated that there were no new announcements since the prior meeting.


2.         Approval of the Minutes of 4-8-08. 


Weiss moved and Harding seconded the approval of the minutes.  Minor corrections were noted. The minutes were approved as corrected, 8 yes, 1 abstention. 


3.         New Course Proposals.


A.        Graduate Mathematics.


1)   MA 550: Classical Financial Mathematics.

McSweeney moved approve, Maldonado seconded. 

Weiss noted that the newly distributed minutes of the Mathematics Department indicated the rigor of the course.  Bayne called attention to the perennial problem of the catalog description being more than 100 words, although there was some question about the applicability of this requirement to graduate courses, as opposed to undergraduate courses. 


The course was unanimously approved. 


2)   MA 578:  Mathematics of Financial Derivatives.

McSweeney moved to approve, Weiss seconded.

McSweeney noted that the departmental minutes also call attention to the rigor of this course.  She acknowledged that the Dolan School of Business occasionally teaches a course in financial derivatives, but it is at a much lower level, appropriate in their venue.  Weiss also detailed the ways in which the course was a strong and advanced course in the subject.  Bayne again noted the excessive catalog length.


The course was unanimously approved.


3)   MA 590: Capstone Project.

Weiss moved to approve, Davis seconded. 

Harding asked how the proposed course is different from an independent study or special topics course?  Weiss answered that the State of Connecticut requires a capstone course for the masters degree, and this course provides an opportunity for students to do a research project in a course environment under the guidance of a professor.  Harding asked if it was similar to a thesis.  Weiss indicated that is could be like a thesis, but in the past students have done special capstone projects, like one student who investigated the mathematics of geometry employed in secondary education.  Harding asked how it might be listed, given the generic nature of the description.  McSweeney responded that it could be like a special topics course or other distinctive course.  Li asked if there was any special theme or emphasis involved.  McSweeney replied that it would be the prerogative of the instructor. 


The course was unanimously approved.


4)   MA 599: Independent Study.

McSweeney moved to approve, Maldonado seconded.

Weiss explained that the course was a traditional independent study course, but at the graduate level.


The course was approved unanimously.


B.  Black Studies.  BL 398 Independent Study.


The Chair explained that there were two different questions with reference to Black Studies. 

First was a overall curriculum change.  Because the Prof. Yohuru Williams had already received the approval from the previous Chair of A&SCC for the cancellation of the BL 101 Introduction to Black Studies course and its substitution with a 300 level course, the other changes do not materially affect the curriculum and constitute only a minor adjustment. Consequently, the Chair proposed that there was no reason to take action on the curricular changes at this time.  Committee members discussed the general layout of the catalog description and agreed that the current proposal represented little material change. 


Harding asked about the approval process for courses, as Psychology has a course, PY 291: Cognition, Culture, Race and Identity, that would appear right for Black Studies but does not appear in their list. Weiss pointed out that the Black Studies minutes reflected their acknowledgment of the importance of the course, but the Black Studies faculty were uneasy with the immanent retirement of the faculty member currently teaching the course and how it would be taught by a subsequent faculty member, so they deferred consideration for another time. 

Second was approval for BL 398 Independent Study.
McSweeney moved to approve BL 398, seconded by Li. 

The course was approved unanimously.


4.   Graduate Courses in American Studies. 


The Chair explained that, two years ago, American Studies was informed that it would have two years to provide the A&SCC with a report on courses to be approved, as both their courses and the graduate courses in Mathematics had slipped by the A&SCC.  However, American Studies was to meet on Thursday May 1, so that the consideration of their courses was not possible in this academic year and would need a motion to allow the courses to continue to run until their consideration in the coming year. 


Davidson made the following motion:  Move to extend the present grandfathering of American Studies MA classes until this committee can review the report at its first meeting in Fall semester, 2008.   The motion was seconded by Weiss. 


Shanahan asked about previous motions like this for American Studies, but the Chair indicated that this was the first and, strictly speaking, American Studies was in compliance with the original motion, by completing their report in academic year 2007-08. 


The motion was approved unanimously.


5.         Davidson moved and Weiss seconded adjournment.   Unanimously approved.


The meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Ronald M. Davidson

Secretary Pro-tem.