Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes



Attendance: (8)Dean Joan Weiss, John Miecznikowski, Bob Epstein, Vin Rosivach, Shannon Harding, Qin Zhang, Elizabeth Petrino, Roxana Walker-Canton



Agenda Item #1: Announcements

Prof. Epstein announced that the first ASCC meeting for 2010 will be Feb. 9th. First UCC meeting will be Feb. 2nd. The deadline for call for new course proposals will be Monday, Feb. 1st. Feb. 16th is an academic Monday so try to leave Feb. 23rd open for a possible meeting if we are unable to review all of the proposals. Bob will send out the call for new usual form, 1-week form and the grad form.



Agenda Item #2: Approval of minutes of Nov. 10, 2009

Prof. Zhang seconded the motion to approve the minutes. Correct the spelling of "Harding" in item 5; change to "The Department of Communication" instead of "Communications" in item 7; in item 4, remove "s" from dept of communications. There was unanimous approval of the minutes.


Agenda item #3: Proposal for AY190: North African Society and Culture

Prof. Miecznikowski moved to approve the proposal. Prof. Harding seconded the motion. Prof. Rosivach pointed out a staffing question in section 9b. Prof. Epstein said the department hired a second anthropologist and that Prof. Crawford is in a position to develop new courses. Prof. Rosivach asked for more clarification regarding the way that the department would handle the teaching load in the future. Prof. Epstein will ask the question. Dean Weiss asked if the course will be offered in spring and asked if the course is listed in the schedule for this spring. Prof. Epstein replied that the course is not listed in the schedule for this spring and suggested they would have flagged it. The proposal for AY190 was unanimously approved.


Item #4 from the Department of Communication- Changes in Course Description

There is a proposal to make a change in course description for CO 560/561 and CO 570/571 - the grad thesis proposal seminar.


Prof. Zhang said that the course is changing to independent study format. Prof. Epstein replied that he was unsure if the change in format warranted a change in course description. Prof. Rosivach suggested that the committee needs to codify how and when course descriptions need to be changed. Prof. Epstein will thank the department of Communication for informing us of their curricular changes.


Item #5 from Education - Changes in Credit Hours for Minor

Dean Weiss informed the committee about the proposed change to a 15-credit minor in Education. She wanted to know if others agree that the department proposing the change needs to submit these changes to the ASCC and the UCC since their students major in our departments. Prof. Rosivach commented that the proposed changes should go to the UCC and that it would be wise to send them through the ASCC as well. Prof. Epstein said that the ASCC would appreciate reviewing the proposed changes. Dean Weiss added that the proposal should come to the ASCC first before going on to the UCC. Prof. Epstein asked when the proposed change would be implemented, because the ASCC would not be able to review it until March. Dean Weiss said that they don't have the proposal completed yet. Prof. Epstein asked if Pat would allow us to see it. Dean Weiss will approach Pat to ask if we can review the proposal. Dean Weiss added that the meeting in March would not be a meeting to approve the proposal, but to discuss the changes. Prof. Epstein reminded us that we will probably have many course proposals to review and that we don't want to have to schedule a meeting for Feb. 23rd if we don't have to. Dean Weiss recommended that the proposal go to the ASCC, UCC, and EPC. Dean Weiss, Prof. Epstein, and Prof. Rosivach had questions regarding the graduate education program presenting a 15-credit minor that anyone could take. Dean Weiss asked if the 15-credit minor would apply toward the 5-year program. Prof. Rosivach added that it is a graduate program offering an undergraduate degree. Prof. Epstein wanted to know the implications that this has on undergraduate students especially those in the College of Arts & Sciences. He suggested that we invite a representative from the graduate program in Education.


Item #6 Electronic Copies of Materials vs. Hard Copies

Prof. Rosivach asked to have electronic copies of minutes instead of hard copies Prof. Harding commented that many committee members wanted hard copies of materials because it takes too long to print out everything. Prof. Epstein pointed out that the committee receives some of the submissions as hard copies and some electronically. As a result, the chair would have to organize how we receive them. Prof. Harding added that providing all electronic copies of material, fills her inbox and CNS will not increase size of our e-mail. Dean Weiss pointed out that in previous years, items were placed on Eidos. Prof. Petrino was in favor of the electronic copies. Prof. Epstein commented that we could request electronic submissions, but ask if there are committee members who would prefer hard copies, but he was unsure if we could ask for electronic submissions. Prof. Rosivach said that the committee used to ask for electronic submissions. Prof. Petrino said that they used to receive materials electronically and then burned on a disk. Dean Weiss said that placing materials on Eidos would be a good way for all to find them.


Prof. Petrino asked if we had proposed prospective meeting dates. Prof. Epstein said that Feb. 2nd is the next UCC meeting and Feb. 9th for the ASCC. Feb. 15th is the registrar's deadline for new courses.


Prof. Rosivach moved to adjourn and Prof. Miecznikowski seconded.


Minutes submitted by Roxana Walker-Canton