College of Arts & Sciences

Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee Meeting

Tuesday, February 9, 2009

3:30-5:00 p.m.

BCC 204


Attendance: Jessica Davis, Robert Epstein, Shannon Harding (Chair), Manyul Im, Danke Li, Elizabeth Petrino, Vincent Rosivach, David Sapp, Leslie Schaffer, Roxana Walker-Canton, Qin Zhang, Associate Dean Joan Weiss (representing Dean Robbin Crabtree)

Meeting called to order at 3:31.

1.      Welcome and announcements

Epstein thanks Harding for her help last semester. Harding thanks Epstein for all his hard work last semester. 

Harding announced that graduate education changes will be on the agenda for March.  There are two courses that were not distributed by hard copy, courses PO 146 (on Eidos) and RS 275 (hard copies being passed around).


2.     Approval of minutes of December 8, 2009

Rosivach moves to approve, Zhang seconded.  Weiss suggests that the attendees be listed in alphabetical order, the Dean listed last, and the chair identified.

8 approved, 3 abstentions, motion passed.


3.     New Course Proposals:

á       CI 220: Advanced Chinese

Rosivach moves to approve, Li seconded. Rosivach commented that 9a & b are not always answered correctly and suggested that the question be rephrased.  Davis commented that it should be clear where information can be found in proposals.  It is apparent that clarification is needed on 9b for CI 220.  Wei is a new professor and helping to develop the program.  Li commented that Wei has answered all the questions asked.  Li expressed that it is important to approve this course because students want to continue in the language.  Zhang expects more students to enroll in the future.  Harding would like to make the issue of question 9a & b a future agenda item.

Unanimously approved.

á       CO 530: New Media Theory and Criticism

Zhang moved to approve, Sapp seconded.  Rosivach pointed out that 9b is not answered. Davis asked how this course will affect undergraduate courses.  Sapp noted that what the instructor will not be able to teach is the question and very important to know.  Harding should contact the Chair of Communication or the director of the masters program.

Course approval is pending until this question is answered.

Unanimously approved.

á       CO 241: Communication and Culture: East and West

Li motioned to approve, Im seconded. Harding pointed out that the catalog description is longer than the 100 word limit.  Davis asked about a missing letter of support from the Asian Studies Program.  As Im wrote the letter, he summarized that the program enthusiastically supports the course because they want to expand the major. 

Unanimously approved.

á       HI/CL 301: Ancient Greece, Rome, and Africa

Epstein moved to approve, seconded by Li. Sapp noted that participation at 25% seems high and asked how this grade is determined.  Rosivach mentioned that this question is answered in the minutes and he sent them RolandoÕs syllabus with a rubric for participation.  Sapp asked how the overall grade is calculated as it appears 75% is one related grade, which seems more of a graduate school level of grading.  Petrino suggested working with shorter writing assignments to get to the final paper.  Rosivach pointed out that the course is progressive to the final paper.  Epstein likes the practicum, a guided research course.  Harding pointed out that it is not unusual to have course set up like this.  Li said that this is typical of how things are evaluated for such courses. Weiss pointed out that there are only 14 weeks in a semester, rather than 15; and the HI versus CI syllabi are not consistent on this point.  Harding will send a memo. Sapp praised Abbot for visiting the course. Petrino praised the reading included. Im pointed out that the catalog description is exactly 100 words.

Unanimously approved.

á       New Core English Literature Courses: Harding mentioned that during the last UCC meeting we went over revision of the English offerings.  Weiss pointed out that the 100 level courses have no prerequisites. Epstein stated that sophomore standing is required and it is assumed that students will have had EN 11 and 12. 

o   EN 101: Gateway to Literature and Cultural Studies

Sapp moved to approve, Weiss seconded. Sapp asked why the course is labeled 101. Epstein clarified that the numbering system was not yet established when the course was first proposed.  Weiss noted that the word ÒgatewayÓ suggests that this course is Òthe beginning of something.Ó Sapp said that by numbering the course 101, the concept of a ÒgatewayÓ course is reinforced, but this is not a beginning English major course. Harding will send a note to the English Department chair. Wiess pointed out that on page 11 the wording Òwe will not take roll, but if you miss class..Ó is contradictory.  How will the professor know if a class is missed if roll is not taken?  Rosivach said that this is just a warning to students rather than set in stone.  Weiss pointed out that there needs to be documentation of absences if it affects studentsÕ grades. Li said that such a policy prevents students from fighting with professors.  Harding will send a note.

9 in favor, 1 abstention, motion passed.

o   EN 102: Introduction to Contemporary World Literature

Rosivach moved to approve, Zhang seconded. Weiss noted that Òworld diversityÓ should not be in the catalog description unless it has that designation.  Also, EN 11 and 12 should not be prerequisites.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 103: Fairy Tales

Weiss moved to approve, Petrino seconded. Sapp said that there is a lot of student interest in this course.  Li would like to sit in on the class. Harding noted that there is a lot of variability on participation between courses.  Epstein noted that the English Department did not discuss this and does not feel any need to normalize it.  They might want to address it because they want to standardize these courses.  Petrino looked at this issue last year and that variation is across the college.  Sapp asked how much the final exam counts for and can we standardize participation?  Rosivach half supports standardizing participation: if varying from the norm, the instructor needs to inform the department chair and dean and needs to have justification. Weiss asked if it is necessary/required to grade participation.  The answer was no. Harding said she would add the issue of grading participation as a future agenda item.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 105: The African Diaspora: Literature and Culture

Rosivach moved to approve, Petrino seconded. Weiss asked if this course will effect Black Studies.  Epstein said that inclusion in Black Studies will be applied for. 

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 121: American Literature and the Environment

Rosivach moved to approve, Li seconded.  Harding noted that the prerequisites need to be removed. Davis said that this course should be included in the Program on the Environment. Weiss pointed out that grades add up to 95% for Professor BayersÕ courses. It was pointed out that the other 5% is for participation.  Davis likes how Professor Bayers links this course to other core courses.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 122: The Frontier in American Literature

Weiss moved to approve, Zhang seconded. Harding noted that the course description includes EN 11 and 12 wording that is not in the catalog description.  Are EN 11 and 12 prerequisites?  Epstein reiterated that the department is getting around not being able to have prerequisites for 100 level courses by requiring sophomore standing.  However, he agrees with Harding because some students can test out of EN 11 and 12.

            Unanimously approved.

o   EN 123: Colonial Contacts and Flights

Rosivach motioned to approve, Weiss seconded.  Weiss pointed out that the grade scale is not the same as the university. Harding pointed out that class participation is 20%, but asked how this is graded. Li suggested grading participation might be through presentations. Petrino noted that quizzes on readings count towards participation, but more explanation is needed on this.  Weiss noted that there is online participation as well.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 124: American Literature: Myths and Legends

Rosivach moved to approve, Epstein seconded.  Harding noted that there is a prerequisite in the catalog description. Li noted that a lot of effort has been put into all of these proposals.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 141: Imagining Shakespeare

Rosivach moved to approve, Petrino seconded. Sapp noted that the use of technology is extraordinary.  Epstein agreed, the use of pod cast and technology is amazing.  Petrino liked how he brings together global and social issues as part of Shakespeare.  Sapp thinks this is good opportunity for students to take Shakespeare as core class. Im asked about office hours.  Weiss noted that they are just missing for now.  Davis asked if an optional paper normal.  Weiss found the grading confusing as well.  She is not clear how she would be graded. Li pointed out that Professor Regan cares a lot about students.  Im said that the grade depends on what you do.  Harding will ask that the grading policy be clarified.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 142: Myths & Legends of Ireland & Britain

Petrino moved to approve, Im seconded. Im asked if the title is appropriate by including Ireland as part of Britain, and if it should not be Great Britain. Epstein stated that Britain and Great Britain is the same thing.  Rosivach said that in his field the region is always referred to as Britain rather than Great Britain.  Weiss asked if the letter from Irish Studies has been obtained. Epstein said that will do that. Harding said she will send Epstein a reminder note.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 143: The Greenworld: English Literature and the Environment

Rosivach moved to approve, Li seconded. Sapp noted that there is no way to get a B- or C- and a note needs to be sent on the grading scale.  Davis pointed out that the prerequisites should to be removed from the catalog description. Weiss asked if there is a final.  Epstein said that the group presentation is the final exam. Weiss noted that the presentations are scheduled before the final exam time and need to be scheduled during the final exam time. Im asked if there is an official policy for materials fee?  Harding asked about the discussion of grade complaints.  Weiss asked if the grades complaints is an English Department Policy.  Rosivach asked how this corresponds to University policy.  Weiss said that the policy says the student goes to the professor first.  Harding said that the syllabus should reflect University policy and will send a note regarding grading policies, disability contact information, and presentations during scheduled final exam time.  Epstein suggested that the oral presentation can be before the final, but something needs to be due during the final exam time.  Im suggested that the English Department sort out these issues with new faculty.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 161: Irish Literature

Epstein moved to approve, Petrino seconded.  Harding noted that EN 11 and 12 needs to be removed from the catalog description.  Epstein said that not everyone was clear about this point in the English department.

Unanimously approved.

o   EN 171: Introduction to Literature and the Visual Arts

Rosivach moved to approve, Petrino seconded. Harding noted that the prerequisites need to be removed from the catalog description and asked if the description is 100 words or less.

Unanimously approved.

á       EN 280: Introduction to Latin@ Literature

Rosivach moved to approve, Sapp seconded.  Harding noted that there are missing letters. Davis noted that the catalog description too long.  Weiss pointed out that the grading scale is not the same as Fairfield University policy. Davis noted that the format of the proposal is not formatted correctly.  Harding pointed out that question 9b is deleted. Rosivach noted that 100 level courses are being reviewed before 200 in the English Department curriculum review.  Epstein pointed out that Professor L—pez is in his second year; therefore some guidance is needed. Im noted that the syllabus needs to reference the office of disabilities.  Weiss pointed out that the grade complaint policy should to be removed or conform to University policy.

Unanimously approved.

á       EN 337: Literary Theory

Rosivach moved to approve, Li seconded. Li noted that 9b is missing.  Harding asked if the course is co-taught, the answer being yes. Sapp noted that co-teaching a course is negotiable with the dean. Petrino said the grading scale is irregular. Harding noted the accommodations statement should include more information. Weiss said that the harassment statement should be removed and pointed out that there is no final exam. Petrino said that there is a final essay. Epstein noted that the dean should be notified of this.

Unanimously approved.

á       ENW 221: Digital Journalism

Rosivach motioned to approve, Li seconded. Harding noted that there is no 9b.  Rosivach said that this is a new faculty member. Im stated that the professorÕs full name should be on the proposal. Harding was confused that ENW 222 is being offered as well.  Davis asked if a student can take both towards their major and, if so, is there a significant overlap.  Sapp answered that students can take both courses towards their major, but the courses are significantly different. Harding suggested that inserting Adobe software in the catalog might not be appropriate, as it will become outdated.  She suggested using Ònew computer toolsÓ instead.  Im noted that the course outline (not the syllabus) says digital camara is required.  He would like it to say that the students will be provided with digital camaras as the department purchased those camaras.  Li said that it should be clarified that they are provided. Petrino noted that how grades are distributed should conform to University policy. Rosivach stated that the journal of record states that a syllabus is not required for a proposal but that the proposal needs to have the Òfollowing informationÓ rather than a student syllabus. Weiss pointed out that the dates are not correct, and 10b needs to be changed from 2009 to 2010.  Rosivach stated that the final evaluation should be explained.  Harding said she will send a note to the chair regarding the guiding of new faculty.

Unanimously approved.

á       ENW 327: Photojournalism II: Documenting the Community

Rosivach moved to approve, Petrino seconded. Weiss noted that the prerequisite ENW 323 name is wrong.  Davis pointed out that the font on her copy is too small.  Weiss pointed out that 9b is answered. Im pointed out a resources issue, there are no technology resources listed on the proposal but they are listed on the syllabus.  It needs to be clear that technology resources will not have to be purchased by students.  Li suggested sending a note to clarify this.  Weiss noted that this information is on page 4 under library resources. Im stated that 8a-c must be clarified. Li agreed, especially if resources are expensive, it needs to be clarified that students do not need to purchase them.  Im would also like the provision of materials be made clear on the syllabus.  Harding stated that the grading policy does not conform to the University grading policy. There are final projects in the last weeks of class with no final exam.  The catalog has a typo: ÒstudentÓ to ÒstudentsÓ.  Sapp said that these courses (ENW 221 and ENW 327) would not be offered in same semester so the camaras will be available to both courses. Petrino did not understand how much writing was required from students as far as page or word count.  It was asked if we approve on the contingent that these issues are addressed or if the proposal should be sent back.  Harding suggested tabling the motion and sending the proposal back. Weiss pointed out that page 8 talks about a writing component, but is it enough? Rosivach pointed out that they are trying to build a journalism major, which is currently housed under ENW.  He questions where this course belongs at the moment, but it is not our responsibility to tell them if there is enough writing in this course.

Motion tabled.

5:00 pm – Epstein moved to recess and reconvene on February 23rd to continue the meeting agenda. Remaining items:

á       ENW 329: Issues in News Writing

á       AH 292: Museums, Art, Ethics, and the Law

á       AH 295: Museum/Gallery Curating

á       FM 104: African American Cinema

á       FM 105: American Film Survey

á       NM 311: Senior Capstone Seminar II

4.     Adjournment or Recess

5:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted by Jessica M. Davis.