College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee Meeting

September 21, 2010


Present: Mike Andreychick, Robbin Crabtree, Bob Epstein, Shannon Harding, Manyul Im, Jerelyn Johnson, John Miecznikowski, Giovanni Ruffini, Les Schaffer, Marie-Agnes Sourieau, Janet Striuli, Joan Weiss, Qin Zhang


Meeting was called to order at 3:34 pm in BCC 204.


1. Announcements

Harding, the out-going chair, welcomed new members and asked members to have a brief self-introduction. She announced that the room, BCC 204, has been scheduled for the ASCC meeting for the rest of the semester. She also reported the substantial change of curriculum in the English Department. The changes include getting rid of the courses that are no longer offered and renumbering and renaming courses. She has gone over the changes with some members of the English Department and Associate Dean Weiss. The new chair will have the relevant information, which has been posted on Eidos.   


Dean Crabtree remarked that, given her role as the acting dean of the UC, lots of UC-related business, such as program reconstructuring, will come to ASCC before going to UCC. She proposed to accept Associate Dean Weiss as her proxy for ASCC for the academic year. She will meet with Weiss before ASCC meeting. If any concern requires her attention, she will come to the meeting herself. Sourieau seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.


2. Election of ASCC Chair for 2010-2011

Epstein nominated Im. Im mentioned that he will chair UCC in the spring, but he is willing to do it in the fall. Im nominated Zhang for the spring. Im and Zhang were elected by acclamation.


3. Approval of the minutes (April 13, 2010)

Zhang moved to approve the minutes, Johnson seconded. Dean Crabtree pointed out that 20 independent studies for a course release is not a university policy. It is only the ASCC recommendation. She also mentioned that, given the disagreement over the number of credit change from 15 to 18 within LACS members, she has not signed yet. The change is not finalized, and no catalogue change has been made. Sourieau mentioned that the steering committee of LACS voted unanimously. Dean Crabtree added that the change is not to the best interest of the program because it might decrease the number of students.


Sourieau asked if individual departments have the policy regarding the course release for independent studies. Dean Crabtree replied that a few departments did put together a plan. If one faculty has multiple independent studies at the same time, he/she could apply for a course release. She has approved the application for several departments. The minutes were approved, 3 in favor and 7 abstentions.


4. New course proposals


AH 180: Fundamentals of Architecture

Miecznikowski moved to approve the course, Weiss seconded. Miecznikowski raised the issue of attendance policy. He noticed that some professors give credits to attendance, which might not be fair to students who are sick. He asked if there is a university-wide standard policy. Im replied that he is not aware of it. Weiss also wondered how professors graded participation. Johnson said that when professors put the policy in their syllabus, they might know how to grade attendance and participation. Im will put the attendance policy on future agenda.


Sourieau commented that she likes the course. Weiss, Miecznikowski, and Im all said that it is a good course. Zhang said that she likes the experiential learning component. The course was approved unanimously.


AH 282: Green Architecture: The Design, Engineering, and Aesthetics of Green Buildings

Sourieau moved to approve the course, Johnson seconded. Miecznikowski liked the course. Sourieau liked it being interdisciplinary. Ruffini wondered if it is appropriate for professors to put Òrallying the students at Fairfield University to the cause of sustainable architectureÓ in the syllabus or if it is appropriate to encourage activism. Schaffer said that he has no problem being an activist. Im had concerns over the catalogue description, wondering if it is appropriate to have the last sentence, specifically to include encouraging students to make Òrecommendations to help make Fairfield University a greener campus.Ó He felt it seems odd to him because Òmaking a greener campusÓ seems to be Òextra-curricular,Ó not curricular. Andreychick did not feel particularly troublesome to read the description. He felt it is a good course. Epstein suggested that we send a note to the department expressing our concerns over the goal wording. Sourieau said that it is an important course and Zhang said that green architecture is really a timely subject. Im will send a note to the department. The course was approved unanimously.


AH 290 Japanese Scrolls

Weiss noted that this is a special topics course and the course number is already in the catalogue, so there is no need for ASCC to approve the course. It just needs to go to the chair.


CL 199 Special Topics

Im said that he has received a verbal request from Brill to approve the course, but their minutes are still pending.  Epstein moved to approve the course contingent upon the reception of the Classical Studies minutes, Miecznikowski seconded. The course was approved, 9 in favor and 1 abstention.


CO 337 Visual Communication

Miecznikowski moved to approve the course, Zhang seconded. Miecznikowski praised the very nice and detailed syllabus. Zhang said that the course is really interesting and students will love it. Weiss also liked the syllabus. Sourieau asked if the course has been approved by the Visual and Performing Arts Department. Zhang said no, but the instructor might apply for the course to be cross-listed with them. Andreychick noted that the prerequisite for the course should be added to the catalogue. The course was approved unanimously.


CO 347 End-of-Life Communication

Zhang moved to approve the course, Miecznikowski seconded. Zhang remarked that the course was offered last year and it was a huge success. It is also a service learning course. Ruffini asked about the attendance policy. Striuli felt that the attendance policy is too precise. Weiss noted that there is no prerequisite for this 300-level course, but it makes sense. It might be for a different population, such as nursing students. Striuli asked if it is appropriate to require a 20-hour service, Im replied that it is for service learning. Miecznikowski wondered how students get to CT Hospice in Hartford since it involves the issue of cost. Striuli noted inconsistency in mid-term assignment and mid-term presentation and suggested the instructor review the syllabus for consistency in terminology. The course was approved unanimously.


EN 234 American Women Writers of the 19th Century

Weiss moved to approved, Miecznikowski seconded. Epstein remarked that this is an ideal course for intermediate level. Miecznikowski asked if it is offered as a turbo, Epstein was not sure. Zhang said that the syllabus is really well-developed. Ruffini asked about the breakdown of the grade for study questions, wondering how the weekly grade was translated to 20% total. Epstein said that this is in a two-part portfolio model. The course was approved unanimously.


EN/W 206 Creative Writing: Nonfiction

Epstein moved to approve the course, Sourieau seconded. Miecznikowski asked about the breakdown of the grades. Ruffini suggested that ASCC chair inform the instructor of percentage breakdown. The course was approved unanimously.


HI 282 Last Empires of the Islamic World, 1400-1923

Zhang moved to approve the course, Johnson seconded. Ruffini said that the class is exactly why the History Department hires him, and the course is a fantastic addition for the department. Im asked why Southeast Asia Islamic world was not covered in the course and wondered if it is because it is more recent. Ruffini replied that the instructorÕs training is mainly Turkish. Weiss asked why a 15-page paper is considered as a short paper. Ruffini replied that the instructor has revised the language. Johnson asked about the attendance policy, particularly regarding the Òautomatic failÓ after three absences. Ruffini said that this is not typical in the History Department. Im noted that the syllabus has no disability information. Im will send a note to the chair and suggest that new faculty be advised about the attendance policy and the disability information. The course was approved, 9 in favor and 2 abstentions.


HI 335 Civil War and Reconstruction

Epstein moved to approve the course, Ruffini seconded. Miecznikowski asked for clarification for Week 11-research consultation. Weiss wondered if such extensive reading is appropriate for a 300-level course. Andreychick noted that the research paper accounts for 40% of final grade, wondering if it is too much for a paper. Im replied that there is policy about final assessment not being over 30%. The course was approved, 9 in favor and 2 abstentions.


At 5pm, Im moved to recess until next week.



Respectfully submitted,


Qin Zhang