College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee Meeting

September 20, 2011


Present: Robbin Crabtree, Anita Fernandez, Johanna Garvey, Manyul Im, Jerelyn Johnson, Scott Lacy, Douglas Peduti, Vincent Rosivach, Giovanni Ruffini, Les Schaffer, Roxana Walker-Canton, Qin Zhang


Meeting was called to order at 3:33 pm in BCC 204.


1. Announcements

Zhang, the chair, welcomed new members and asked members to have a brief self-introduction. Zhang mentioned that this year we will do the minutes alphabetically, but in reverse order. Zhang will take the minutes today.


Dean Crabtree proposed to accept Associate Dean Im as her proxy for ASCC for the academic year. If any concern requires her attention and inputs, she will come to the meeting herself. Im clarified that this is a voting seat. The motion was approved unanimously.


2. Election of ASCC Chair for 2011-2012

Im nominated Johnson, Rosivach seconded. Johnson accepted the nomination. She was elected by acclamation.


3. Approval of the minutes (April 12, 2011)

Im moved to approve the minutes, Lacy seconded. No concerns were raised. The minutes were approved, 8 in favor and 3 abstentions.


4. New course proposals


AY 200: Anthropological Research Methods

Rosivach moved to approve the course, Garvey seconded. Im asked why the answer was Ònot directlyÓ to the question whether this course will contribute to any interdisciplinary program. Lacy responded that it may have direct impact in the future, but not now. Ruffini spoke in favor of the motion, but suggested minor revisions relating to the grade calculation between percentage and points. Peduti also spoke in favor the motion and asked if there should have straight D only in grading. Johnson noted that the percentage is more than 100%. Lacy replied that he will use all straight points only. Zhang mentioned that she liked IDEA evaluation learning outcomes information and the connections with Pathways. In response to SchafferÕs question regarding the statistical analysis, Lacy said that Schlichting will teach that section. The course was approved unanimously.


CL 127: Romantic Love in Greek and Roman Literature

Johnson noted that this is a new course, so it needs to be approved first before we review its cross-listing. Ruffini moved to approve, Peduti seconded. Im asked if it needs to go through UCC. Rosivach thought it does not. Ruffini mentioned that Classical Studies program is very enthusiastic about the addition of this course to the curriculum. Zhang asked whether they are in-class essays. Rosivach replied yes. Schaffer wondered what in-class essays mean. Rosivach explained that he will pose study questions and students will spend about 15 minutes thinking and writing essays, so students need to read the materials before class. The course was approved, 9 in favor, and 1 abstention.


CL 127 / EN 127: Romantic Love in Greek and Roman Literature

Lacy moved to approve the cross-listing, Walker-Canton seconded. Johnson mentioned that, based on the minutes, English Department seems to support it.  Garvey confirmed the support.  The cross-listing was approved, 9 in favor, and 1 abstention.


CO 537 New Media Studies

This is a graduate course. Ruffini moved to approve the course, Zhang seconded. Zhang mentioned that this is a great course and students will like it. The catalogue description was found to have exactly 100 words. Zhang noticed an inconsistency in that the proposal said no prerequisites to Question 3, but the catalogue description said that there are 2 prerequisites: CO 400 and CO 420. Ruffini asked about the differences between 400-level and 500-level courses. Zhang briefly replied. Rosivach remarked that the answer to 9b should be clarified. It should be spelled out that how this course will fit into the cycle. Johnson will send a note requesting clarification. Garvey noticed that, based on the department minutes, the prerequisites should be removed. The course was approved unanimously.


EN 211 The Age of Chaucer

Garvey moved to approve the course, Rosivach seconded. Johnson mentioned that the English Department seems to be very supportive of the course. Garvey said that it fits into the rotation. Ruffini asked for clarification of the course number, EN 210 or EN 211. It should be EN 211. EN210 was the number when it was offered as a special topics course. Im asked whether there is any letter from the Class Studies, Ruffini said no. The course was approved unanimously.


EN 292 Contemporary ChildrenÕs Literature

Rosivach moved to approve the course, Garvey seconded. Zhang noticed that the catalogue description seems to be very long. Peduti said that it has 145 words, much more than the 100 words limit. Johnson will send a note to Bowen, requesting it be shortened. Im remarked that the attendance policy is not precious. It only said that ÒIf you miss more than four classes, your grade in the course may be lowered.Ó Fernandez asked if this is a university policy. Rosivach replied that the ASCC originally made the recommendation to faculty. Im double checked and found that the catalogue requires that the attendance policy be specified. The course was approved unanimously.


HI 202 Health and Healing in America, 1650-1980: History of Western Medicine

Zhang moved to approve the course, Im seconded. Peduti liked the change of name as suggested in the departmentÕs discussion. Fernandez felt that bio and premed students will be very interested in the course. Johnson said that the grading is very precise and participation is clearly delineated. The course was approved unanimously.


HI 220 Ancient African Civilizations

Rosivach moved to approve the course, Garvey seconded. Zhang asked whether it will be cross-listed with Classical Studies since it has CL 115 or CL 116 as prerequisites. Ruffini replied that it will not be cross-listed. Lacy said that he is excited about the class. Johnson asked if it will be cross-listed with anthropology. Johnson also asked about the breakdown of grades, Ruffini replied that information is on Page 5. The course was approved, 9 in favor, and 1 abstention.


HI 247 Family and Sexuality in U.S. History

Im moved to approve the course, Rosivach seconded. Ruffini remarked that the department is very excited about the course. Im mentioned that the catalogue description should have H1 30 as prerequisite. Zhang noticed that there is no academic dishonesty information. Im agreed that the department policy can be included. Garvey noticed that the final essay and final exam accounts for 50% of the final grade. Johnson will send a note to Lawrence. The course was approved unanimously.


PH 210 Phenomenology

Zhang moved to approve the course, Ruffini seconded. Fernandez was curious about what phenomenology is and wondered if Peduti could explain it in the syllabus. Zhang found that she could not find information about learning goals and objectives. Johnson requested that the proposal form be updated. Rosivach moved to accept the course contingent upon the ASCC chair informing the proposer that course learning objectives are missing and requesting the proposer resubmit it for the chair to review. Im seconded. Fernandez asked whether learning goals should be formalized. Im replied that they should be spelled out. The course was approved, 8 in favor, 2 abstentions.


PY 396 A Special Topics: Current Issues in Behavioral Neuroscience

This is a special topics course. Zhang said that she cannot find the course number in last yearÕs catalogue. Im double checked and found that it is in the new catalogue. So the course does not need to go through ASCC review. Only the Chair will review and approve it.


SO 189 Sociology of Europe

Ruffini moved to approve the course, Garvey seconded. Rosivach asked what the Òsecond essay examÓ is. Johnson said that, based on the department minutes, it should be clarified and changed. Lacy remarked that the department went through the proposal and suggested some revisions. The course was approved unanimously.


5. One-Week Course Proposal


CO 246 Family Communication

Zhang moved to approve the course, Garvey seconded. Ruffini asked if there is a specific format for the one-week course. Im replied yes. There are specific guidelines. Zhang said that she had sent the guidelines to Wills, and Wills has answered all the questions listed on the guidelines. Johnson wondered if the one-week format and a semester format are identical in content. Zhang said that she went over both formats and found that the content was identical. Fernandez noticed that the shrine/altar assignment and presentation was 40% of the final grade and wondered if it is too much. Walker-Canton found that it was 30% in the semester format. Im wondered if 10% difference in grading was a significant change in course evaluation. Garvey also found that the one-week format has only one exam, but the semester format has 2 exams. The committee concluded that this is a significant change in evaluation. Rosivach moved to table, Im seconded. Johnson will send a note to Wills.


Im moved to adjourn.


Respectfully submitted


Qin Zhang