Minutes of the ASCC Meeting, 10/18/2011

Present: Anita Fernandez, Johanna Garvey, Manyul Im, Scott Lacy, Doug Peduti, Vin Rosivach, Giovanni Ruffini, Les Shaffer, Janet Striuli, Qin Zhang.

Chair: Jerelyn Johnson

The meeting was called to order at 3:30pm.

Approval of the minutes: Vin moves to approve the minutes, Anita seconds the motion. The minutes are approved with 9 votes in favor and 1 abstention.

International Studies Governance Document: Janie Leatherman presents the international studies changes as in the proposal. Vin notices that the wording in the introduction of the hiring process contradicts the Executive CommitteeÕs charge – meaning that the Executive Committee is not in charge of the ÔhiringÕ of new faculty members, the Dean and the AAVP are. Manyul adds that the confusion can be clarified if one considers the term ÒhiringÓ as an umbrella-term.  Doug suggests some more modifications to paragraph 1.21.   Vin expressed concern that the Executive Committee has the power to bring any decision of the Coordinating Committee back to a vote, meaning the Executive Committee could potentially veto anything the Coordinating Committee decides. Janie explains, after the request of Vin, that the executive committee should have the final decision. Janie leaves.

Manyul asks if we need to approve the document, he thinks we just need to review it and endorse it. He suggests that we vote to endorse it and include some recommendations in the committee feedbacks. Vin moves to endorse the document while sending along a suggestion that International Studies take in consideration the items of the discussion at this meeting. Manyul seconds. Jerelyn asks if there is any discussion. The endorsement of the document passes unanimously.

CO 560/561 and 570/571: Administrative Change:

Michael Pagano explains to the committee the administrative change: Currently students complete the thesis research proposal and the research thesis as two different courses, one per semester. They both are 3 credit courses and students need 6 credits to keep the loan active. Therefore it is suggested to make the change for which students can enroll in both the courses at the same time but complete one after the other. Manyul asks whether there would be a defacto INCOMPLETE after the end of the first semester. Michael answers that that will be the case.  Vin asks if the proposed change has been brought to the registar office and if in fact the office thinks this change will solve the issue. Michael says yes. Michael leaves the room.

Scott moves that we record that we do not see any curricular issues with the change. Vin seconds the motions and all the member of the committee vote in favor of the motion.

CO 246 one-week course (continued from Sept mtg) – see revised syllabus: Jerelyn points out that all the required changes have been made. Johanna moves to approve course, Qin seconds and we vote: 8 members are in favor of the motion and there are 2 abstentions.

ÒWomenÕs StudiesÓ Name Change: Manyul moves to approve the name change from ÒWomenÕs StudiesÓ to ÒWomen, Gender and Sexuality StudiesÓ, Johanna seconds the motion, all vote in favor.


Philosophy Curriculum Revision: Steven Bayne explains the intension behind the curriculum revisions: The roots of the revision are in the program review that took place in 2009/2010. The courses in place are not serving the minor/major students as well as they could be, but also they are not serving the core well either.  In particular the introduction of topics courses will make the philosophy courses more meaningful to the students and they will be able to see a progress through the courses.  Jerelyn asks if the 3 core classes will count towards the major or the minor also. Steven answers that that is the case now and it will be the case after the changes. Vin asks whether students could take the equivalent of PH 101 somewhere else and get credit at Fairfield University. Manyul says that the Dean is enforcing the fact that an outside course needs pre-approval.  Jerelyn asks if each PH 101 course will need approval since they all cover different topics; for example, even the two sample syllabi we were provided with have different goals and objectives as well as different grading criteria. What will ensure cohesion among the different sections so that they are, in deed, all considered PH 101. Johanne says that it works the same for English 11 courses. Steve adds that the objectives and goals are in fact going to be more uniform  than now. Qin asks how PH 299 and PH397 are different courses (both of them are Topics curses). Steve says that  PH 299 is existing now, it can be considered as a second core course. The 299 course is a seminar course open to a broader audience while 397 will be a higher level course and it is a classic course in the philosophy curriculum. Vin asks how the changes will be incorporated in the catalog and Manyul says that he is actually working on a coherent catalog. Steve leaves. Giovanni moves to approve the proposal as a whole, the proposed curricular changes as well as the individual new courses. Anita seconds. Vin moves to split the approval in two, first the overall revision and then in the second part go through course by course. Johanna seconds the proposal. Manyul says that it makes sense to approve course by course, given the UCC will most likely just need to address the curricular revision. We vote for VinÕs motion. 8 members are in favor and 2 are opposed. GiovanniÕs motion therefore fails. Vin moves to endorse the program. Qin seconds the motion. Jerelyn, Manyul and Doug all speak in favor of the revision, we vote and the motion passes anonymously.

Vin moves to accept PH 101. Doug seconds the motion. Manyul adds that in the philosophy department there is an assessment committees that checks that the goals and objectives for the core classes are followed by the instructors. Giovanni asks whether this happens every summer, Manyul answers yes. Scott asks whether we need to enforce cohesion, Jerelyn says that we will suggest it in her correspondence with Steve. The motions passes unanimously.

Doug  moves to approve to PH 200, Qin seconds and all approve.

Johanna moves to approve PH 201 Qin seconds. Manyul adds that this is a new course. The members vote all in favor for the motion.

Doug moves to approve PH 202, Scott seconds, all vote in favor of the motion.

Qin moves to approve PH 205, Giovanni seconds, all vote in favor of the motion.

Manyul moves to approve PH206, Qin seconds, all vote in favor of the motion.

Manyul moves to adjourn and to table course PH 209, PH314, PH 397.


Respectfully submitted,

Janet Striuli