Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee Meeting
October 16, 2012
BCC 204

Members present: Vincent Rosivach (Chair), Anita Fernandez, Johanna Garvey, Manyul Im, Jerelyn Johnson, Scott Lacy, Tommy Xie
Guest: Larry Miner, Laura Nash

Meeting was called to order at 3:33PM

1. Music major reorganization

Rosivach suggested that the committee reorganize the agenda and discuss the music major redesign first.
Fernandez moved. Garvey seconded.
Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. MOTION PASSES.

Nash first underscored the multi-dimensionality of music as an area of study, which explains the fact the every student come to the program with different purposes. She then said that we needed to find a way to best accommodate all the student needs while still giving them a strong liberal arts training in the art of music. The "Boutique Major" model did not work well. The new program would force students to go deeper into their areas of interest. It is also a response to the interdisciplinary nature of music and will offer students with a networked understanding of different areas in music study.

Nash added that the redesign would strengthen the 300 level courses. Students, for example, can shadow music therapists to learn more about the subject. The department anticipated a wide ranged of student outcomes derived from the diversity in the program design because each program of the department are by nature very different. Nash noted that we needed to respect the art form of each program.

Im asked if the redesign would drop the K-to-12 minor in music education. Laura said no. This is still a pending issue currently under discussion.

Miner asked Nash if she could describe how the redesign would fit into the overall Visual & Performing Arts curriculum and how colleagues in the department reacted to it. Nash answered that the music program does not have to resemble other programs in the department. The department, however, is working to create a department-wide student learning goals/outcome assessment instrument.

Fernandez asked whether the redesigned program would serve the performing students well. Laura said yes. The program always did a good job of providing high-quality resources, such as private lessons and recitals, to students who wanted to be performers.

Im asked why the minors did not undergo the same kind of change as the majors did. Nash responded that in the past the minors were largely for students who took a number of music courses and realized that they were close to finish a minor. Im suggested that the minor at least get some consideration for change to keep in line with the majors.

The committee thanked Dr. Nash. Nash departed at 3:37pm.

Fernandez moved to approve the music major redesign. Miner seconded.

Im said that this is a smart design and change to the minor should also be considered as well.

Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. MOTION PASSES.

2. Approval of the last minutes

Rosivach solicited any changes and modifications to last minutes. No correction was raised.
Miner moved; Garvey seconded.
Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. MOTION PASSES.

Rosivach reported that he looked at three specials topics proposal, which usually do not come to the committee level. All three were from English - "Edith Wharton," "Science Fiction," and "20th Century Jewish Literature." One of them was massively incomplete and has been returned to the English Chair for revision. Rovivach also mentioned that the graduate liberal studies proposal would be the main item for the next meeting. The proposal would be available soon.

3. Approval of French Syntax and Expression

Rosivach said that the previous proposal had lacked some essential information. He asked for comments and discussion.

Fernandez said she was satisfied with the newly added course objectives.

Garvey moved to approve, Fernandez seconded.

Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. MOTION PASSES.

4. Approval of Special Topics in Religious Studies RS299.

Rosivach reminded the committee that this was a shell course.
Johnson moved to approve; Lacy seconded.

Im pointed out that the description should have listed the prerequisite for this course.
Johnson said that it is good to have a shell course in the catalogue that the Religious Studies program really needs.

Im commended the department for sending the sample syllabus though it did not need to.

Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. MOTION PASSES.

5. Approval of Creative Non-Fiction II ENW306
Garvey moved to approve; Anita seconded.
Rosivach reported that the whole process of sending the proposal back to the English Chair and the Prof. Huber and getting the revision back took only two hours.
Im noted that prerequisites needed to be mentioned in the catalogue description.

Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. MOTION PASSES.

Rosivach commented that the swift progress of the meeting speaks of the consistent high quality work of the ASCC committee and the departments.

6. Approval of RS241

Johnson moved to approve. Anita seconded.

Miner wondered if this was a brand new proposal. Rosivach said yes and explained that due to technical difficulty proposal did not show up for the last meeting.
Im said that it was a great additional to the Religious Studies curriculum

Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. MOTION PASSES.

Johnson moved to adjourn. Miner seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 4:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tommy Xie