Teaching Compensation for Faculty Supervision of Independent Studies and Internships
Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee

A very brief history

Since at least Fall 2005, the A&SCC has been interested the issue of teaching equity/compensation for faculty who are supervising independent studies and/or internships.  In Fall 2005 the A&SCC formed a subcommittee to create a survey and collect data concerning the current practices of departments and programs within the College of Arts and Sciences regarding how they deal with independent studies and internships.  In Fall 2006 this survey was sent out to department and program chairs and the responses were collected.  In Spring 2007 the survey and a summary of the responses were presented to the A&SCC.  A copy of the survey can be found hereA copy of the summary data can be found here.  If you have any comments on either of these that you would like to have forwarded to the new subcommittee you may email them here.

In Spring 2007 the A&SCC was also asked by the Dean for input on one particular departmental proposal regarding both four credit courses and independent studies/research.  To this end, Linda Henkel presented to the A&SCC the plan she had drawn up for the Department of Psychology.  The part of Psychology's proposal dealing with independent studies/research is included here simply as one example of the form such a proposal could take.  A copy of the Psychology proposal can be found here.  If you have any comments on this proposal, or you have any suggestions about what you would like to see included in any proposal the new subcommittee develops, or if you know of another existing proposal you would like us to consider posting on this website, you may email them here.

With the support of the current and incoming Deans of the College of Arts and Sciences, at its February 12, 2008 meeting, the A&SCC decided to again form a subcommittee on independent studies and internships.

Charge, Composition, and Timetable of the Subcommittee

The charge of the subcommittee is to formulate a proposal for a college wide plan on how Arts and Sciences faculty should be compensated for the supervision of independent studies and internships and present this plan to the full A&SCC.  The A&SCC would then discuss this proposal and subsequently make a recommendation to the Dean for a college wide proposal on how Arts and Sciences faculty should be compensated for the supervision of independent studies and internships.

The subcommittee members are Jessica Davis, Linda Henkel, Steven Bayne, David Sapp, and Associate Dean Beth Boquet.

The subcommittee's proposal is to be presented to the full A&SCC no later than October 14, 2008.