College of Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Friday, January 20, 2012
CNS 103


Present: Dean Crabtree; Assoc. Dean Weiss; Assoc. Dean Im; Professors Epstein, Harper-
Leatherman, Lacy, LoMonaco, Mielants, and Sauer.

Meeting called to order at 3:30PM.

I. Update re: search for replacement Associate Dean (Weiss term ending July 2012)

Jim Simon to take on the Associate Dean position that Dean Weiss will vacate in July 2012.

II. Budget Update

a. Impact on current TT searches
b. Impact on instructional budgets for FY ‘13
c. Need for strategic planning on budget restructuring, program elimination, etc.

III. Confirm dates for Spring 2012 CAS faculty meetings

a. Friday, February 10, 3:30-5:00, Alumni House

b. Friday, March 23, 3:30-5:00, Alumni House (elections for 2012-13)

c. Wednesday, April 25, 4:30-6:30, Alumni House, Annual Celebration of faculty

IV. Discuss ASCC vote to recommend the Bachelor of Professional Studies Program to CAS

a. BPS currently housed in UC

b. Recommendation from ASCC to move BPS to CAS; this needs to go to CAS faculty for a


c. ASCC asks that A&S Planning Committee devise the governance structure

d. Two proposals:

i. Structure like the IDMJ program with Associate Dean and ad hoc faculty committee

ii. Structure like the Interdisciplinary Programs with Faculty Director and rotating

steering committee

iii. Both have parallels in current CAS governance document; need to determine where

language would need to be added or changed and bring that to CAS for a vote, if
BPS motion passes (this could be at Feb or March meeting)
Dean Crabtree asked the Planning Committee to consider the two proposals for the BPS
governance structure. Committee members suggested that we present these models to the
CAS faculty, and then take their ideas and/or motions to develop final model and wording.
If the CAS faculty votes to adopt the BPS, the ASPC will bring related gov doc language
revisions for administrative structure, etc. to CAS faculty at the March meeting.

V. Agenda for February 10th CAS Faculty Meeting

a. Approval of Minutes
b. ASCC Motion to adopt the BPS program (Jerelyn Johnson, Chair of ASCC; Giovanni
Ruffini, member of AC Subcommittee on UC Matters and ASCC)
c. Discussion of CAS governance structure supporting BPS
d. Election of 1 social science person for Merit Committee (Mielants will talk to Kurt S.
about taking this last open position on the CAS merit committee)
e. Call for Nominations for Distinguished Teaching Award (email call to follow)
f. Call for Nominations for Chair of the College Faculty, 2 year term
g. Call for Nominations for ASPC (at-large, 2 year term; social science, 2-year term),
h. Dean’s remarks – RC previewed these possible items:

Planning Committee members:

Ex officio:

o Robbin Crabtree, Dean
o Sally O'Driscoll, Chair of CAS (2010-2012) – Bob Epstein, Acting-Chair spring 2012
o Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2011-2013)

Elected (4 members):

o Amanda Harper-Leatherman, Natural Sciences (2010-2012)
o Marti LoMonaco, Humanities (2011-2013)
o Eric Mielants, Social & Behavioral Sciences (2011-2012)
o Glenn Sauer, at-large (2011-13)

CAS Associate Deans Joan Weiss and Manyul Im