College of Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Thursday, March 8, 2012

CNS 8 Conference Room

4:00-5:30 pm


I.  The meeting started with a visit and discussion with President von Arx regarding “Strategic Priorities in the College of Arts     & Sciences.  Dean Crabtree introduced the President, who then spoke to the committee about the following topics:

1.    Distinctive aspects of their schools (what makes us/schools special)
2.    Describe their schools five years hence (what is new, with specificity)
o    Dean Crabtree:    T
o    Prof. Mielants:  
o    Crabtree:
o    Epstein: 
o    von Arx: 
o    Epstein:
o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree: 
o    Mielants: 
o    von Arx:
o    Sauer: 
o    von Arx: 
o    Crabtree: 
o    von Arx:    Service learning is also can be a way for folks to do global engagement.

o    Crabtree:  I tried to highlight our global perspectives infused courses, often in the CORE.

o    Im: 
o    Crabtree: 
o    Epstein: 
o    Crabtree:
o    von Arx:
o    Epstein:
o    Im
o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree:
o    Perkus:

o    Epstein:
o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree:
o    Epstein:
o    Crabtree:
o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree:
o    Im:
o    von Arx: 
o    Im:
o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree:
o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree:
o    Im::
o    Perkus:
o    Crabtree:
o    Crabtree:  We could do this with almost no new resources, but covering teaching loads.

o    LoMonaco
o    Crabtree:
o    Mielants:
o    Crabtree: 
o    von Arx:
o    LoMonaco
o    Crabtree:
o    von Arx:

II.  Bachelor of Professional Studies Document:

o    Perkus
o    Crabtree
o      Harper-Leatherman
o    Crabtree:
o    Sauer:
o    Mielants
o    Crabtree:
o    Perkus 
o    Crabtree: 
o    Im:
o    Crabtree:

III.  Confirm remaining Spring 2012 CAS faculty meetings

Friday, March 23, 3:30-5:00, Alumni House (elections for 2012-13)
Wednesday, April 25, 4:30-6:30, Alumni House, Annual Celebration

IV.  A
genda for March 23rd CAS Faculty Meeting

a.    Approval of Minutes
b.    ASCC Motion to adopt the BPS program (Members of the A&C PC)
c.    Elections for CAS Chair for 2012-2014
d.    Elections for CAS planning committee members (2)
e.    Reminder for Nominations for Distinguished Teaching Award (Bob and Scott will follow-up with written/email reminder)
f.    Report from the ASCC (this should be annually, at the March meeting) TO NEXT AGENDA
g.    Dean’s remarks
h.    UC update and transition plans
i.    Introduction of Strategic Priorities for discussion

Current A&S Planning Committee members:
Ex officio:
o    Robbin Crabtree, Dean
o    Sally O'Driscoll, Chair of CAS (2010-2012) – Bob Epstein, Acting-Chair spring 2012
o    Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2011-2013)

Elected (4 members):
o    Amanda Harper-Leatherman, Natural Sciences (2010-2012)
o    Eric Mielants, Social & Behavioral Sciences (2011-2012)
o    Marti LoMonaco, Humanities (2011-2013)
o    Glenn Sauer, at-large (2011-2013)

Also attending, CAS Associate Deans Joan Weiss and Manyul Im, as well as Jim Simon