College of Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Thursday, March 8, 2012

CNS 8 Conference Room

4:00-5:30 pm


The meeting started with a visit and discussion with President von Arx regarding “Strategic Priorities in the College of Arts & Sciences.  Dean Crabtree introduced the President, who then spoke to the committee about the following topics:

1.    Distinctive aspects of their schools (what makes us/schools special)
2.    Describe their schools five years hence (what is new, with specificity)
o    Dean Crabtree:    There are two primary themes:  an “Over the Next 5 Years” theme, and a second
“What Makes Us Special” theme.   The third theme—What does the CAS look like five years from now—should be addressed after we discuss the first two themes.

o    Prof. Mielants:  
o    Crabtree:
o    Epstein: 
o    von Arx: 
o    Epstein:

o    von Arx:

o    Crabtree: 

o    SYNONS: 

o    Mielants: 

o    von Arx:

o    Sauer: 
o    von Arx: 


o    von Arx:    Service learning is also can be a way for folks to do global engagement.

o    Crabtree:  I tried to highlight our global perspectives infused courses, often in the CORE.

o    Im: 
o    Crabtree: 
o    Epstein: 

o    Crabtree:

o    von Arx:

o    Epstein:

IM:  This process started in abstraction via pathways.  It is good to look for examples about how this has been adopted.  Newer faculty for example are adopting this language in syllabi.  Also FYE is a way that students have been able to actually think about integrating the CORE.

o    von Arx:

o    Crabtree:

AARON:  Gannet was working on an assignment that required students to reflect on things they learned from other courses that contributed to a student’s “core pathway” 

o    Epstein:
o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree:

o    Epstein:

o    Crabtree:

o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree:

IM:  I would like a more unified approach to technology… making our students tech savvy.  If a student wants to become adept at the tech sector, too many choices, none of which are strong enough to stand alone.

o    von Arx: 

IM:  We should be able to collaborate and provide a cutting edge program for entering into emerging tech fields. 

o    von Arx:

o    Crabtree:
o    von Arx:
o    Crabtree:
o    Im:  An interdisciplinary program centered on TECH.  Integrate specializations.

o    Perkus:

o    Crabtree:
o    Crabtree:  We could do this with almost no new resources, but covering teaching loads.

o    LoMonaco
o    Crabtree:
o    Mielants:
o    Crabtree: 
o    von Arx:
o    LoMonaco
o    Crabtree:
o    von Arx:

BPS Document:

Aaron:  We don’t have “what folks do with a BPS” but we do have data on Jesuit Institutions, this is not an outlier idea.

Robbin:  Will this pass?

Amanda:  There was strong support for UC. 

ROBBIN:  The controversy is


ERIC:  It may have been the “fast pace” that caused troubles… with data folks might go forth.

ROBBIN:  What I hear at faculty meetings
    People mention abilitry to earn overtime pay without going ythrough theDept
    Others are concerned that the students will not be cared for in a CAS version of the BPS
    Others are concerned about now irrelevant issues:
        We have the evening courses and time-codes, but REGISTRAT hasn’t adapted well…
    Others concerned with advising burden, but the same advising structure will exist. 
    Some fear the students are not-prepared for college…

AARON:  THIS VOTE is about the BPS…no additional courses, instructors, etc.

ROBBIN:  Perceptual issues are far bigger obstacle than actual issues. 

IM:  The main pushback will come from several rhetorical strategies….with one message:
    Are we letting in and matriculating a second-class graduate/student?

ROBBIN:  What is the presentation strategy… We’ve been working on this.  Aaron, Bob, and I will be working on finishing the packet.  Robbing will edit and send to Bob & Scott.  

To be frank.  I had no investment in BPS as Acting Dean.  Faculty like O’Driscoll and Rodrigues are the ones that convinced me to fight for the program.  I hope that faculty who have supported these students in the past will step up to support the BPS and choose to join the leadership of it.

Bachelor of Professional Studies
a.    Governance structure (as Interdisciplinary Program)
b.    Packet for March 23rd meeting and vote
c.    Presentation team / strategy


Confirm remaining Spring 2012 CAS faculty meetings

Friday, March 23, 3:30-5:00, Alumni House (elections for 2012-13)
Wednesday, April 25, 4:30-6:30, Alumni House, Annual Celebration

Agenda for March 23rd CAS Faculty Meeting

a.    Approval of Minutes
b.    ASCC Motion to adopt the BPS program (Members of the A&C PC)
c.    Elections for CAS Chair for 2012-2014
d.    Elections for CAS planning committee members (2)
e.    Reminder for Nominations for Distinguished Teaching Award (Bob and Scott will follow-up with written/email reminder)
f.    Report from the ASCC (this should be annually, at the March meeting) TO NEXT AGENDA
g.    Dean’s remarks
h.    UC update and transition plans
i.    Introduction of Strategic Priorities for discussion

Current A&S Planning Committee members:
Ex officio:
o    Robbin Crabtree, Dean
o    Sally O'Driscoll, Chair of CAS (2010-2012) – Bob Epstein, Acting-Chair spring 2012
o    Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2011-2013)

Elected (4 members):
o    Amanda Harper-Leatherman, Natural Sciences (2010-2012)
o    Eric Mielants, Social & Behavioral Sciences (2011-2012)
o    Marti LoMonaco, Humanities (2011-2013)
o    Glenn Sauer, at-large (2011-2013)

Also attending, CAS Associate Deans Joan Weiss and Manyul Im, as well as Jim Simon