College of Arts & Sciences Planning Committee
Thursday, September 6, 2012

CNS 8 Conference Room

10:30-am to 12:00 pm


Dean Crabtree; Associate Deans Perkus and Simon; and Professors O'Driscoll (Chair), Lacy (Secretary), LoMonaco, Glenn Sauer, Bob Epstein.

Dean Crabtree opened the meeting by welcoming Associate Deans Perkus and Simon.  She also mentioned that ASPC Member Professor Crawford (2012-2014) will need a Spring 2013 sabbatical replacement.  The Dean requested that CAS Secretary compile an annual calendar for CAS (template of monthly business, etc.).

I.    Set dates for 2012-13 CAS faculty meetings

September 25, 4-5:30
October 9, 4-5:30    [NB:  Meeting was changed to October 9 after the ASPC met]
November 14, 4-5:30

October 29, 10:30am – noon.

Dean Crabtree announced that we will set spring meeting dates at the October 29th ASPC meeting

II.    Updates from the Dean

A.    Summer Humanities Fellows – progress update.  The Dean reported that Humanities Fellows are identifying key phases for the development of the Humanities Institute.
The Dean will discuss the document produced by the fellows with the ASPC prior to taking it to CAS Faculty

B.    Health Sciences Initiatives Task Force
*The Dean updated the ASPC on the summer workings of the Health Sciences task force, comprised of the deans of the schools, key faculty members, and some administrators. Their work will inform expansion of the School of Nursing Building and hopefully expand Bannow so that it more directly connects to SON with integrated commons across sciences. Part of the plan is to move the school of engineering into Bannow, as well.

C.    Possible ad hoc (finite) task forces/working groups for 2013-14
1.    CAS rank & tenure guidelines (elaborations from University-wide doc)
*This group could explore the question of whether the College needs any elaboration on R&T procedures as reflected in the Handbook and the Journal of Record. In particular, schools are supposed to define “appropriate faculty” as it relates to appointment and promotion. 
*The Dean and committee agreed that faulty (not the ASPC) should write any new guidelines and procedures.
*Associate Dean Simon cautioned that any CAS policy must conform to (fit within) University guidelines.   Simon agreed to chair the ad hoc task force because of his recent service on the rank and tenure committee.
*Four task force members will be elected at the next CAS meeting (one member from each rank, and at least two member with previous rank & tenure service).
*Professor LoMonaco advised that potential committee members should be strong in governance and policy writing.
*The Dean asked the CAS secretary to prepare and distribute a Call for Nominations to be added to the next meeting’s agenda packet.

2.    The committee discussed the large number of Associate Professors serving as Department Chairs (rather than full professors).  The Dean noted that she has encouraged full professors to serve before their associate professor colleagues, though there are a variety of reasons and department cultures that lead to the large number of associate professors serving as chair.

3.    Dean performance review

III.    Agenda for first CAS Faculty Meeting – first draft:
A.    Approval of Minutes
B.    Chair’s welcome & introduction of new faculty
C.    Elections
1.    R&T Task Force
2.    CAS Teaching Awards
D.    Announcement by faculty members
E.    Dean’s remarks

Current A&S Planning Committee members:
Ex officio:
o    Robbin Crabtree, Dean
o    Sally O'Driscoll, Chair of CAS (2012-2014, second term)
o    Scott Lacy, Secretary of CAS (2011-2013)

Elected (4 members):
o    Marti LoMonaco (2011-2013)
o    Glenn Sauer (2011-2013)
o    Bob Epstein (2012-2014)
o    David Crawford (2012-2014)

Also attending, CAS Associate Deans Manyul Im, Jim Simon, and Aaron Perkus