My research is in topological (Nielsen) fixed point theory and some related areas, and the topological theory of digital images. For an introduction to Nielsen fixed point theory for the general mathematical audience, try watching my Youtube videos 85 Years of Nielsen Theory.
My Erdős number is 4: Staecker → Gonçalves → Golasiński → Henriksen → Erdős.
You can download my Curriculum Vitae (pdf) LaTeX source.
All of my papers are available at arXiv. The arXiv versions are essentially identical to the published versions. These are also mirrored at Fairfield University's Digital Commons.
Most of my papers eventually get indexed at MathSciNet and Zentralblatt.
Red are talks, yellow are jobs. Recent things are biggest.
I'm interested in mechanical computation. Here are some pages I made about various old devices. Most go along with my YouTube series.
PDF icon by David Vignoni from Wikimedia Commons, licenced LGPL