Annual Report of the University College Committee
Submitted May 1, 2005
§ Betsy Bowen (2 meetings/Spring Sabbatical)
§ Suzanne Campbell (5 Meetings)
§ Elizabeth Dreyer (3 meetings/Replaced Betsy)
§ Chris Huntley (5 meetings)
§ Doug Lyon (4 meetings)
§ Sallyanne Ryan (5 meetings)
§ Emily Smith (5 meetings)
§ September 15
§ November 23
§ March 21
§ April 4
§ April 18
§ Participation in the Conversation with Fr. Von Arx forum: Worked together to craft a brief statement that proposed a role for UC in Fr. Von Arx’s Integrity initiatives.
§ Professional Development programs: invited Art McAdams, the new director of Professional Development, to discuss the strategies and opportunities for faculty.
§ Approval of the Masters in Communication program: Consulted with Dean Wilson regarding her options for working with the Communication Department for obtaining approval.
§ Faculty participation in UC activities: Identified and discussed at length three different models for increased faculty participation.
§ Recommendation to seek approval for Masters in Communication from EPC and Academic Council
§ Started an online forum ( for developing ideas for increasing full-time participation in UC programs
§ A report on ongoing efforts and strategies for increasing faculty participation in UC programs
§ The faculty participation report is in earliest draft form and will likely be completed by next year’s committee
§ Role of Open Visions Forum in Academic life
§ Review of UC programs and enrollments
§ Completion of the report on faculty participation in UC