University College Committee
Minutes of the November 28, 2007 Meeting
[Approved 1/30/2008]

Present: L. McSweeney (Chair), B. Bradford, E. Langran, B. Torff, R. Rodrigues,
Dean Wilson (exofficio).

1.    The meeting called to order at 12:05 PM.
2.    The minutes from the 10/24/07 meeting were approved.
3.    Building schedule document
a.    The draft dated 11/12 incorporated the changes that had been discussed in the last meeting.
b.    The Committee voted and gave unanimous approval to endorse the document
c.    Prof. McSweeney and Dean Wilson will request an agenda item to present this to departmental chairs during the next Dean’s Council meeting (first Wednesday in February).
d.    Dean Wilson will draft a cover letter to the chairs for this document
4.    Governance document
a.    Dean Wilson distributed the governance document with several changes she has made
b.    The job description from the document does not have a clear description of the dean position. Dean Wilson is waiting to hear back from the AVP office regarding a title change to her position, so it would be best to wait on revising this portion of the document.
c.    Dean Wilson highlighted some of the areas in need of revision, some of which she has already done: adding study abroad, aligning the mission & vision statement with the strategic plan, eliminating the outdated terminology, shifting some items around
5.    Departmental advisor
a.    Previously, this had been a stipended ($150) position within each CAS department to ensure the flow of information between departments & CAS and to advise UC students. It does not currently exist; the Committee discussed bringing back this position
b.    The Committee can work on a job description next semester and perhaps bring this to the Dean’s Council, though timing with the arrival of a new CAS dean should be considered.
6.    Data tracking
a.    The Committee discussed some of the issues with tracking numbers of students, particularly when students change schools.
b.    A future meeting agenda item might include a discussion of the advantage of sharing enrollment numbers.
c.    Dean Wilson will bring enrollment data to the next meeting.
7.    The next meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, January 30, 12-1:15 pm. Committee members should bring comments for the Governance Document to the next meeting. Prof. McSweeney will send an email with other spring semester meeting dates.
8.    The Committee thanked Dean Wilson for providing us with lunch.
9.    The Committee approved adjournment of the meeting by a general shuffling of feet toward the exit at 1:07 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Langran