College Committee
Minutes of January 30, 2008
[Approved February 25, 2008]
Attendance: L. McSweeney (Chair), Dean E. Wilson, E. Langran, B.
Bradford, C. Pomarico, R. Rodrigues, Visitor: J. Dunn
1. The meeting was called to order by L. McSweeney at 12:00pm.
2. L. McSweeney announced that B. Torff is on sabbatical and E Dreyer
will take his place on the committee for Spring 2008.
3. L. McSweeney requested that the committee allow J. Dunn from
University College to be present at the meeting because Dean Wilson
could only stay at the meeting for a short period of time. The
committee unanimously voted to permit J. Dunn to remain at the meeting..
4. L. McSweeney reported that all members of the committee cannot
meet on the dates that were previously scheduled. The following dates
were cited as tentative dates for the meetings:
2/25/08 12:30-1:30pm
5. Minutes for meeting of 11/28/07. E. Langran moved to approve the
minutes. B. Bradford seconded. The minutes were approved
6. L. McSweeney announced that the Faculty Handbook changes for
University College were approved in 12/07 by the Board of Trustees.
7. GSEAP and UC – Dean Wilson reported that she and Dean Franzosa are
working on
improving communication between the two schools. Issues that will be
addressed are, scheduling courses and approval of courses. The Deans
will work together to create a plan of action to address concerns with
each school.
8. Governance Document for University College (Draft 12/07) – There was
extensive discussion about the document and there were many questions
and requests for clarification.
a. Expand the Mission statement to include lifelong education
b. Move the Vision statement to precede the Mission
c. Re-work the Overview to include internal and external collaboration,
include international partnerships, etc.
J. Dunn will share the discussion with Dean Wilson and they will
re-work the document and bring revisions back to the committee for the
next meeting.
9. Adjournment – the meeting was adjourned at 1:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Carole Pomarico