University College Committee
 Minutes of September 14, 2007
[Approved Sept. 27, 2007]

Attendance: E. Smith (Outgoing Chair), B. Torff, E. Langran, L. McSweeney, B. Bradford, C. Pomarico, R. Rodrigues

1. The meeting was called to order by Prof. E. Smith at 2:30pm.

2. Prof. R. Rodrigues nominated Prof. L. McSweeney for committee chairperson for the           
    year 2007-2008. Members voted unanimously to appoint Prof. L. McSweeney as
    chairperson. Prof. L. McSweeney accepted the appointment.

3. Tentative meeting times and dates were set pending approval from Dean E. Wilson.
     Prof. L. McSweeney will set location and e-mail members.

    9/26/07 12:00pm
    10/24/07 12:00pm
    11/28/07 12:00pm

4. Minutes of April 25, 2007 meeting were approved as corrected.

5. Goals for 2007-2008

    a. Work on Governance Document: enhance and update
    b. Work on Goal #3 of the Strategic Plan: to help part time adult
         students feel welcome and more a part of campus life.

6. Prof. Torff moved to adjourn. Prof Rodrigues seconded. The meeting was
    adjourned at 2:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Carole Pomarico