University College Committee
Minutes of September 27, 2007
[Approved October 24, 2007]

Attendance: B. Torff, E. Langran, L. McSweeney (Chair), B. Bradford
C. Pomarico, Dean Wilson (ex-officio), A. Perkus (visitor)

1. The meeting was called to order by L. McSweeney at 2:05pm.
The University Committee thanks University College for the refreshments. Dean Wilson introduced the University College staff to the Committee and described their individual roles.

2. B Torff moved to have Aaron Perkus be a guest at all meetings, C. Pomerico seconded it.  Passed by a unanimous vote by the committee.

3. Minutes of Sept.14, 2007 meeting were approved.

4. Dean Wilson noted Appendix A of the Amendment to the Faculty Handbook contains the name ‘School of Education’. L. McSweeney replied that this would be changed. Dean Wilson felt distributing last year’s Procedures for Building Course Schedules to all faculty would be more confusing at this point.

5. Some new, possible agenda items were raised. L. McSweeney suggested a topic for discussion might be brainstorming how to help adult learners. She suggested that it would be beneficial to have Sue Fitzgerald speak to the faculty about study abroad opportunities. Goal 3 of the strategic plan was mentioned, as was the UC evaluation of adjunct faculty. Dean Wilson felt the governance document should have the highest priority. Dean Wilson also mentioned that there are UC programs that have existed for considerable time and may be somewhat unconventional and whose direction might benefit by interaction with the UC committee.

6. Work on Governance Document is pending   
7. Prof. Torff moved to adjourn. C.Pomerico seconded. The meeting was
    adjourned at 2:58pm.

8.  Some members of the UC Committee then took a short tour of the University college facilities.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Torff