Main Issues




Littering is a problem that plagues every beach, which can easily be prevented. Every beach is afflicted with litter to different extents, but across the nation many beaches become so polluted with trash that they must be shut down

Industrial Waste


Industrial waste is becoming a huge pollution, especially in big manufacturing countries like China. Companies are destroying the atmosphere surrounding the beaches through smog and dumping of toxic substances that is killing marine life and destroying habitats.

Oil Spills


Oil spills are not only deadly, but the scale as to which they affect marine life is ridiculous. Companies like BP and other smaller scale companies that try to cut corners are destroying our oceans and the life they hold with hardly any resistance.

Air Pollution


Air pollution from smoke stacks on factories, boats, and other sources is ruining the environment around the ocean and also destroying the O-zone layer, which causes things like acid rain and differentiating temperatures that are detrimental to the ocean and it's creatures.

Boat Pollution


Big cruise ships dump monstrous amounts of pollution through their smoke stakes into the atmosphere, while boat fuel and mispractice also combine to destroy the ocean. Even personal boaters are uneducated as to what they are doing to the ocean and the little things they could do to make the ocean more sustainable.