The math you do in my classes can occasionally make its way into the news...

Courses at Smith College

Courses without a link to a webpage are administered through Moodle.

Fall 2012
* MTH 114 Calculus: Differential Equations and Power Series (Section 2)
* MTH 238 Topics in Number Theory

Spring 2012
* MTH 112 Calculus II (Sections 2 and 3)

Fall 2011
* MTH 114 Calculus: Differential Equations and Power Series (Sections 1 and 2)
* MTH 246 Probability

Past Courses at UC Berkeley

As a graduate student at University of California, Berkeley, I was a Graduate Student Instructor (the equivalent to Teaching Assistant) for two courses. The first course used this webpage for dissemination, the second course used Blackboard.
[The materials have been removed temporarily due to two for-profit companies scavenging the materials and placing them on their sites, in violation of the copyright notice at the bottom of the page.]

2007 Spring. MATH 1B Calculus. Instructor: Ole Hald.

2008 Fall. EECS 70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability. Instructors: Christos Papadimitriou and Anant Sahai.

(c) All material accessible through this page is copyright by Paul Baginski and his coauthors. Permission is granted for fair use in personal, noncommercial, and academic projects.


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